Monday, July 25, 2011

Late to my own party!

So here’s the deal.

Sometime within the last few weeks, I thought to myself, “Hey, I think it’s been a year since I started blogging!” I checked my handy-dandy blog dashboard, and sure enough, I started in July 2010. And I could swear that the first post was on July 25, so I decided that would be the day to start a giveaway. Well, guess what. Apparently I have been wordier than I thought, and there was another, older page of old posts! Huh. Apparently my “blogiversary” was on July 14! But…better late than never, right?

I browsed though my “project” folders on my computer, and I’d thought I’d share a few of my favorites…most from before the days before I knew anything about picture editing or staging (and I still don’t know a lot)!

This may be the project that started it all. I wanted a wall unit for my front room, and this is the result. I have a nearly uncontrollable urge to re-paint them in a creamy white now…bookcases

A pink chandelier for my daughter’s bedroom…

light 001

Learning to use my secondhand Cricut (I’m a Silhouette girl now)!


A polka-dot headboard

polkadot 018

Learning that spray paint comes in such fun colors!


A bench makeover before I learned how to re-cane furniture…

Dee 023

I wanted to keep this library table so bad. My husband wanted to keep his IKEA desk. What’s up with that??


Recycling an old canvas


Still in love with these schoolhouse chairs!


I’m a sucker for red (and more numbers)…


I love numbers on pretty much anything!


And not just numbers…I just love typography, as demonstrated by my French chocolate coffee table (my most popular project ever)!


Hope you enjoyed your trip down memory lane with me!

Most importantly, I want to say


to all of you who have taken the time to make kind comments, give advice, encouragement, and support. I love the “blog world,” and I’m happy I joined up!

Now, for the giveaway!

The winner will receive a beadboard sign of his/her choice!

If you have a particular saying, color, size, etc…I can work with that.

Here are a few ideas to get you going, but I’m open to all sorts of possibilities!


Here are a few ways to enter the giveaway. Please leave a comment for each one you choose to do!

  1. Please be a follower of Red Hen Home (mandatory).
  2. “Like” Red Hen Home on Facebook.
  3. Mention this giveaway on your blog or Facebook page (please link back).
  4. Leave a comment telling me one good thing that happened to you or for you today!
My dear friends, I am not going to even attempt to answer comments left for this particular post. Rest assured I will read and enjoy every one, however!

Good luck!

Random winner will be selected on Monday, August 1.


1 – 200 of 269   Newer›   Newest»
Katie @ Wildwood Creek said...

Love your blog, and I'm a follower.

Katie @ Wildwood Creek said...

A good thing that happened today is that I finished painting a dresser.

Katie @ Wildwood Creek said...

I "Like" Little Red Hen on Facebook.

Bellen said...

I like Littls Red hen on Facebook.

Bellen said...

Good thing that happened to me toay - finished baby gift for my friend. (I'm usually late with handmade gifts)

Bellen said...

I'm a follower - love the beadboard signs.

Karena said...

Busy lady!! I am a follower of your site of course!!


Art by Karena

A New Giveaway from Dr. Perricone, do come and enter!

Thrifty Crafty Girl said...

I'm a follower of Red Hen Home!

Thrifty Crafty Girl said...

I like Red Hen Home on facebook!

Thrifty Crafty Girl said...

My youngest child fell asleep on the couch before his naptime and slept for two hours. That was a really great thing that happened to me today!

Angie K. said...

I'm a your ideas!

Angie K. said...

My good thing was getting some much needed rain today...and I realized it was starting to rain just in time to rescue the flower stand I had just spray painted a happy yellow. :-)

kathie said...

Love your blog ~ been a follower for quite a while :)

kathie said...

Now I'm following on FB too ~ didn't know you were there, would have done it sooner!!

kathie said...

A good thing today ~ I was able to help a friend with a project, which is even better than something happening 'to' me!

Suzy-Q said...

My one good thing...I spent the day marking off my "to do" list. Went from 15, down to 5! yes!

Suzy-Q said...

I am a follower and I posted my link to your giveaway on my Facebook!

Suzy-Q said...

And I liked your Facebook page! Yay!

Unknown said...

congrats on the one year anniversary. mine is in november.. love your work!

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

I'm a follower, and my all-time favorite is your chocolate coffee table!
great giveaway!

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

I've always liked you, but NOW I like you on FB :)
silly me!

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

one good thing that happened--Louie (the grand dog that I have permanent custody of) ASKED for a bath! I was getting ready to take a shower, and he walked in the bathroom, and looked into the tub. Usually when I mention "bath" he runs. But, not today... he just kept looking at the tub. Not sure why he wanted a bath, but I love it when he communicates with me like that! (now I get to cuddle with a clean pup)

Unknown said...

Yeah! I am already, as you know from all the harrassment, a follower!!! lol

Unknown said...

One good thing that happened to me today..... My daughter helped me organize my studio. It had been such a mess due to the flood in the house and subsequent construction. It is now back in order, and if possible, even better!!!!!

I also LOVE this idea of writing something good that happened. I have read all the comments above me. I really enjoyed reading them. Nothing like thankful people!:)

From G2B said...

I'm already a follower-Congrats on your anniversary Korrie!

From G2B said...

Good thing- Got see celebrate Pioneer Day and watch the SLC parade!

Melissa @ Vintage Afterthoughts said...

I am a follower! Happy Anniversary! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower! congrats on the one year anniversary :)

Anonymous said...

I got to come home today and spend quality time with my husband - acting like we were kids again :) I'd say that's a pretty good thing that has happened to me!

omi said...

I had a really great thing today happen, I figured out how I can save a really old chair that was my mothers and be able to use it. It is a very unusual chair and I did not want to not be able to keep it.

Peggy said...

Good thing that happened to me today - I had lots of laughs at work today (it's usually pretty stressful) but the weather is good and everyone is happy! Thanks Korrie,
p.s. I have linked to your projects a few times on my blog you are inspirational! :)

Shawna said...

I am a follower!

Shawna said...

That last bit didn't sound quite right....

I have now "liked" you on FB

Shawna said...

Today I was reminded of how lucky I am to have a wonderful man who will soon be my husband... and how much I really do love him.

Lisa said...

The good thing that happened to me today I got to spend the day with my sweet granddaughter plaiying lots of games of Sorry!

Lisa said...

Thought I was already a follower but guess I wasn't, love your blog and am now a follower

Lisa said...

I liked you on FB and love your projects!

Carol said...

I'm a follower and a really big fan:)

Carol said...

I liked you on FaceBook!

. said...

I am a follower!! :)

. said...

The good thing that happened to me today...I finally finished my paver border around my front and side flower beds, that I started earlier in the spring. And I LOVE it! :)

Cyndi ✪ Blue Star said...

I'm a follower and you KNOW I'm a sign fan!

Cyndi ✪ Blue Star said...

Following you on FB, too

Cyndi ✪ Blue Star said...

It may seem silly, but the best thing that happened to me today was to come home to a clean house (bathrooms, floors, EVERYTHING) that I didn't have to clean!

Colleen said...

Oh, how I love your blog and read it every day! The good thing that happened to me today was I took my kids to have lunch with my wonderful 90 year grandmother. She's a gem!

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

Happy Blogiversary Korrie! I'm happy to be following along!

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

Well, it's only 6am, so not too much has happened yet today, but I went to bed early last night and got some much needed rest. That's a good thing!

reFresh reStyle said...

I'm a follower! Love your work! Debbie

April @ PolkaDots n' PinkySwears said...

I'm a follower!

April @ PolkaDots n' PinkySwears said...

My 2 year old daughter woke up in the best mood this morning, just a smiling, and that's really made my morning, to see how blessed i am!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog and am a follower.

Kathryn @ TheDedicatedHouse

Anonymous said...

Liked you on FaceBook!

Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

Anonymous said...

Announced the giveaway on my FB page and provided a link back.

Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

Anonymous said...

The best thing that has happened today has been that I got to spend some quality time with my husband. He's been working a lot of long hours the past couple of weeks. So, the minutes I get with him are precious. Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

Ann said...

Your blogiversery is exciting for you and inspiring to me. Congratulations! I launched a blog this past weekend and I can only hope that it will be as vibrant and inspirational a year from now as yours is today.

Cassie Bustamante said...

i am a follower, and it was so fun walking down memory lane with you and al your great projects!

Cassie Bustamante said...

one good thing that happened to me today was there was just enough coffee left for me to make a cup this morning. :)

eao219s said...

I recently discovered your website and love it!! I have been itching to try out your projects and my daughter and I have been scouring the thrift stores looking for our "treasures". The good thing that happened today was the joy of a really great laugh. My mother-in-law used her new waterproof camera to video herself going down a waterslide. Her and I laughed until we cried as we watched it together. It is amazing what a good laugh will do for you. Thank you so much for all of your amazing projects and inspiration! Can't wait to see what other wonderful ideas you show us!

Karyn said...

I'm a follower. Love your stuff.

Karyn said...

One good thing that happened's the day I go and see "Wicked".

Unknown said...

I am a follower of your great blog. Thanks for the chance at your giveaway. 8^)

Unknown said...

I just left FB and left a comment. Love all your work. 8^)

Ruffles and Relics said...

Already a follower, you are such an inspiration!!

Ruffles and Relics said...

liked on fb.

Ruffles and Relics said...

my good thing today... I finally finished my chalkboard shutters! said...

I am a follower of your blog! said...

I am a fan on Facebook! said...

The best thing that has happened to me today was that I got to be my sons' teacher! Love those boys! ( glad that this works now...Thank you!)

Tiffany said...

The best thing that happened to me today was waking up next to my lovely little daughter.

I've been enjoying reading your blog for about a month now, and you have inspired me to start looking on Craigslist for a new coffee table to do my own French Ad look!

mrlcoy said...

I am a follower! :) Love your blog!

mrlcoy said...

I follow you on Facebook! :-)

mrlcoy said...

I received a call from my mother-in-law inviting me out to dinner tonight! That is a great thing! :-)

Rachel said...

I did it! Enter me away!! :D

Good thing that happened to me today:

I was holding my breath all the way to Home Depot with big sheets of metal in the back of my truck that if we were in an accident, would cut off our heads. I held my breath pretty much the whole way there and after exchanging for another color, the whole way home. Big sheets of metal for the chicken coop roof. :) The fresh eggs sign would look awesome on their coop when we finally get the dumb thing finished.

Gypsy Heart said...

A good thing that happened to me today ~ I stopped having fever and chills.


Gypsy Heart said...

I am a follower!


Gypsy Heart said...

I've "liked" RHH on FB. :-)

Wendy @ Ravenwood Whimzies said...

Hi-I just found your blog and love it! I'm a new follower and would like to be included in your giveaway. I'm heading on over to your FB page now, to Like it, and then I will post about your giveaway on my blog.
The best thing that happened to me today was that we finally nailed down a date for closing on our new old house!
Thanks for the nice giveaway. I hope you will head on over to my blog and say hello!

Unknown said...

I'm such a lover of your blog. So happy to say I'm a follower : )

Unknown said...

I "like" you on FaceBook. Was looking for the "love" button : )

Unknown said...

I posted an update on my FaceBook page : )!/permalink.php?story_fbid=182911848438226&id=1384344275

Unknown said...

The good things that happen to me today? Hasn't happen yet but we're going to dinner with our neighbors whom we love, which means I don't have to cook : )

SImple and Serene Living said...

Well, of course I'm a subscriber to both. I wouldn't want to miss anything. I have linked your giveaway on my FB page. As far as the good thing, my daughter is recovering from a bad bout of food poisoning, so I may get some sleep tonight. Hooray!!!

Anonymous said...

So happy to have found your blog today...I've posted about it on my blog and added it to my giveaway page...also liked you on FB...Beautiful work!!

Simple Thyme Prims

hissyfit33 said...

I hollered on Facebook, I've hollered to friends....and some that weren't so friendly :o( but everybody now knows I LOVE your stuff

Carol Stuck said...

I am a new follower and so glad that I found you. Love your fresh ideas!!!

hugs, Carol

Carol Stuck said...

The good thing that happened to 15 yr. old grandson and I went to Shipshewana (an Amish tourist town near us) and went shopping at the flea market and then had lunch together. A great bonding time for the two of us.


Kate said...

I liked you on Facebook!

Kate said...

I became a follower of Red Hen Home :) One of my new favorite blogs, I LOVE all of the stuff you have made with your overhead projector!

Kate said...

One good thing about today is that I had a great Frappuccino at Starbucks!

Sandi @ The Primitive Skate said...

Happy Bloggiversary!!! What an exciting Giveaway! I Love your Blog...and your Chocolate coffee table is my favorite!
I am a Follower!

Sandi @ The Primitive Skate said...

I Follow you on facebook!

Sandi @ The Primitive Skate said...

I posted your giveaway on my sidebar.

Sandi @ The Primitive Skate said...

I work at a nursing home as a C.N.A/Team Leader in the Dementia Unit. And when I got to work, one of my residents looked at me and said, "Where have you been, Sandi? I missed you. It's not the same without you here." And that made my day. This resident never called me by my name before and is a very quiet resident. So her acknowledgeing that I wasn't there (I had the day off) just melted my heart.

BumbleBeeLane said...

I'm a follower! Warm Blessings!~Amy

BumbleBeeLane said...

A good thing that happened to me today was I found out my father (with cancer) is going to be just fine.Warm Blessings!~Amy

Kristal said...

Okay, well, I was already a follower and now I've 'liked' you on Facebook. I will come back and let you know when I make a blog post and mention your giveaway, okay?


Suzanne said...

I'm a follower.(LOVE your coffee table)

Suzanne said...

The best thing that happened to me today...going in to work on my day off and only having to stay for 4 hrs!!

Firecracker Kid said...

Hi Korrie:) I'm a new follower and so glad I found you from Ronda of Simple Thyme Prims.

Firecracker Kid said...

I have gladly “Liked” Red Hen Home on Facebook.

Firecracker Kid said...

I have glady mentioned your giveaway on my blog giveaway page and in a post with a link back:)

Firecracker Kid said...

The special thing that has happened to me today is that the Lord has blessed me and kept me.


Hi :
I am a new follower and the best thing that happened to me today is that I found your blog.. and the Lord has kept me all through the day. I am blessed..

Debbie said...

I Like Red Hen Hime on Facebook!

Debbie said...

I follow your blog using google reader! It's always one of my favorites!

Debbie said...

One of the good things that happened to me today? I found a beautiful Orrefors crystal vase at a thrift store for next to nothing!

Carey's Farmhouse Kitchen said...

I became a follower on facebook and your blog. I love the Fresh Eggs sign! I'm a Farmhouse gal!


Sweet Paper Treats & Country Crafts said...

I would love to be entered into your giveaway! I am a follower of your blog now, a follower of your facebook page and a good thing that happened to me today is knowing that I made a friend of mine laugh, she's really stressed right now! That made me smile to make her laugh! Please join my FB page as well, Sweet Paper Treats and my blog is:
Thanks so much! Hope I win! Have a great night!

Sweet Paper Treats & Country Crafts said...

Oh, and I will post this on my FB page and on my blog as well! Thanks!

Christine said...

I had a FRIVOLOUS lawsuit against me dismissed! woohoooooo!!!!!!!!!!!

Marg @ I Dream of Martha said...

i finally finished sanding down two of the legs on a dining table i purchased off kijiji! and i bought it in the first place because i was so inspired by all of your posts!

Phyllis said...

Great blog! I am a follower and would love to enter your giveaway!

bj said...

OMYGOODNESS..been gone for a couple days and almost missed this. Whew...

I am and will follow you FOREVER...
I am on my way to LIKE you on FB (not sure, but I may already have done that..) taking your giveaway to my sidebar..
and I have had the pleasure of hanging out with grandgirls for the last few days and...we went to see
ZOOKEEPER and I LOVED it and being with them on ea. side, was a true blessing.
xoxo bj

Marg @ I Dream of Martha said...

i'm a follower too.. :)

Wicked Faerie Queen said...

Thanks to Carol at Firecracker Kid I found you and I am now a follower, please enter me in this great giveaway.

Wicked Faerie Queen said...

I am posting your giveaway on my blog too.


Wicked Faerie Queen said...

I had a wonderful thing happen to me today. I got to spend the whole day with my 5 month old adorable little granddaughter and watched as for the first time she rolled over twice and lifted herself up and smiled at me. There could be no better day.

Wicked Faerie Queen said...

Not that this is an entry requirement but I adore you blog button and I am grabbing it for my blog.


Sandy said...

I am a new follower. Enjoyed your pics. Thanks

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

I just found your blog and I have become a follower and I am looking forward to all of your great projects!

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

I have liked your Facebook page.

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

I am off to add your giveaway to my blog sidebar and Facebook.

Valley Primitives Gift Shoppe said...

The best thing that's happened so far today is that by God's great grace and mercy I woke up to another beautiful day :0)

Kaye said...

I'm a follower and I'm so glad I found your blog.

Something good that's happened to me's 9 a.m. and it's not humid! =)

Laurie Lynne said...

I am a new follower :)

Laurie Lynne said...

I "like" you on Facebook.

Laurie Lynne said...

A good thing that happened to me is finding back to school sales for my kid's (every little bit helps, lol)

Laurie Lynne said...

I added your giveaway to my sidebar

Ana said...

Hi Korrie,
I became a follower of your awesome blog a few days ago...Love your blog, it's always filled with so much inspiration. You are one very talented lady. Keeping my little fingers crossed. Have a wonderful day.

Hugs and Kisses,

Linda Welcome said...

LOVE your blog. Am a new follower. Liked on FB. Loved all your projects. The best thing that happened to me today was finding your blog...How's that. Linda, the Mousemaker from:

Mrs.Kwitty said...

What a fun blog! Love that new coffee table ♥
I'm a new follower (via email)
Smiles, Karen

Mrs.Kwitty said...

AND...I also LIKED you on FB
Smiles, Karen

fran said...

Since I left my comments via e-mail, I figured I should add them here so I'm in the running since it's random. So hope I win.

fran said...

...and i liked you on facebook.

fran said... good thing? If the dishwasher repair guy shows up AND he gets the dishwasher working, I will be an extremely happy camper. Other than that, it's raining so I'm painting another sign :).

Missy @ Chateau Chic Boutique said...

Hi Korrie,

I'm already a happy and inspired follower!


Missy @ Chateau Chic Boutique said...

Hi Korrie,

I now LIKE you on facebook.


Missy @ Chateau Chic Boutique said...

Hi Korrie,

I just did a post on my blog about your giveaway, including links and a couple of your photos.


Missy @ Chateau Chic Boutique said...

Hi again Korrie,

One good thing that happened to me today was enjoying time spent with my kids and their Grandfather (my late Husband's Dad). He came to visit from La Verkin, Utah on his Harley. He's like a big kid with them, what a blessing!

Enjoy your week,

Tins and Treasures said...

Greetings, Korrie,
I enjoyed visiting your blog...I am a new follower.

Something good today? I went out for coffee with my best friend.

Thank you for entering my name into your giveaway.

Have a wonderful Wednesday. ~Natalie

Full Circle Creations said...

Congrats on your blogiversary! I'm definitely a follower!


twelve30 said...

Congratulations! I'm a follower of your blog. Thanks for a chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love you blog-I am now a follower!-Lisa

Brandi said...

I am a follower!!

Brandi said...

One good thing that happened to me today was that I beat my husband and daughter in Boogle!

heymudda said...

I am a follower of your blog!

heymudda said...

It's overcast right now here in Missouri City Tx- that's right down the road from Houston, so the temp is hovering around 93 and for today at least,that's a gooooood thing!

Rach said...

I just found your blog and now follow via Google RSS - what great projects!

maggie said...

Today was a really hot day and I was at a swim meet. Some very nice folks let me sit under their tent on top of a hill where you could feel a breeze.

Katie said...

I am a follower of your blog. You have such great projects!

Katie said...

A great thing that happened husband had a good job interview! I hope we hear something soon :)

shanbmc said...

Love the tables! You are so talented...

shanbmc said...

A really good thing that happened today was spending the evening surrounded by good friends and realizing how blessed I am!

Eileen said...

Good thing that happened today - found your blog. And. The dog's visit to the vet did not require that I take out a loan. That's a good thing.

The Rusty Thimble said...

I am a New Follower great blog and Happy anniversary


The Rusty Thimble said...

I have fanned your FB page and left a comment

The Rusty Thimble said...

I shared on my FB wall Brenda Griffith


The Rusty Thimble said...

I have added a link on my sidebar
I am also having a Giveaway please come and sign up


Anonymous said...

I am a new lurker, love your blog!!!! Liked you on FB. Good thing that happened today - still happening - snuggling with sleeping child while it rains outside.....
Tara from MI

Sammi K said...

Hey =)

I love this place, drive my boyfriend mad ooh-ing and aah-ing as I read, thrusting my iPhone in his face with little explanation other than a rushed 'look!'... Totally didn't know you were on Facebook, heading right over to there now...

Today a stranger paid for my coffee in Starbucks 'cause I was a few pennies short. It makes me so happy to know that there are still some decent humans in this world =) also, this guy was cute... ^.^ xx

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I'm a new follower and love your fun blog! Thanks! ♥

~Lavender Dreamer~ said...

I have a day to spend at home..the sun is shining and I have lots of little chores to do...and time to spend on the computer! The day ahead looks great! ♥

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

I have followed for awhile now and am so inspired by your projects.
Congrats on your first year of blogging.
Tina : )

Pat K said...

Love, Love, love your work!
Heard my daughter is expecting a
baby boy!

Pat K said...

Follow your blog

Emilee said...

I'm a new follower.

Emilee said...

My son finally went to sleep. His teeth are coming in so he has been a little sad.

Unknown said...

Oh pick me, pick me! :) I am a follower!

Unknown said...

I mentioned the giveaway on my blog

Unknown said...

A good thing that happened to me was that my boys cleaned up the downstairs (which was a mess) with no complaining - It was the non complaining part that made me happy, because they were going to clean it no matter what :)

Debilou ~ Mississippi Mama said...

New follower ,, I would love to win one of yours signs.

Debilou ~ Mississippi Mama said...

One good thing that happened to me was that I didnt over sleep.. Didnt sleep well at all so that was a blessing.

Kelly, Carrie, Kylie and Zachary said...

I am a new follower and would love to win!

Something Nice and Pretty said...

I just found out about your giveaway and I'd love to join in! Great giveaway and if I was lucky enough to win I'd take a white background with the word Cottage in black!

PS Thanks for the chance!

Something Nice and Pretty said...

I'm a happy follower! Lovely signs!

Something Nice and Pretty said...

A good thing that happened to me today? I don't have to work and I've just been cleaning and putzing around!

L.A. said...

Happy Blogeversary!
One good thing that happened to me today....I got a great phone call from a colleague and it was just one of those calls that perks you up and re-energizes you. It was so appreciated!

Kristal said...

Hiya there Chicky! Just an FYI, I just posted about your giveaway! And realized that I didn't mention about the good thing. Could finding you be counted as a good thing????


Ashleigh Hall said...

I'm a follower!! Can't believe it's been a year!! Time flies when you're having fun, huh!:)

Ashleigh Hall said...

I follow you on Facebook!:)

Ashleigh Hall said...

The best thing that happened to me today was that my children told me that I made the "bestest cookies and milk ever!"

KimMalk said...

I'm a follower :).

KimMalk said...

I "liked" you on FB.

KimMalk said...

I got gas at Costco today for the first time. I love to save $.

Primitive Echoes said...

I would love to be entered, I am a new follower. Thanks so much

Primitive Echoes said...

I liked you facebook page.

Primitive Echoes said...

I posted about your giveaway on my blog.

Primitive Echoes said...

Something really good today. I found your blog and a couple other new ones that I am so loving.

Breaking Free From Old Ways said...

I follow red hen home on fb


Breaking Free From Old Ways said...

I am a follower


Breaking Free From Old Ways said...

One good thing that happened was that I got to spend the day with all my favorite girls at the daycare


Gayle said...

I'm a follower!

Gayle said...

One good thing that happened to me was finding a chadelier at the ReStore - I've been looking for one for AGES! Yay!

If I'm your lucky winner, I could pick up the prize in person - it would be so fun to meet you!

Allison@FabRehab said...

I thought I was already a follower...but now I am for sure! Great giveaway!

Allison@FabRehab said...

As for good things that have son got the cast off of his arm! Now we can swim!

yorkie's primitives said...

Love your giveaway! Please enter me.
1. I liked your facebook
2. I posted your giveaway on my sidebar.
3. I am now a follower
4. My husband bought me a watermelon today. I love watermelon.LOl
Thanks for a great giveaway, Valerie

Linda@Coastal Charm said...

I'm a happy follower:)


Linda@Coastal Charm said...

Congrats on your anniversary...mine 2 year is next month. Yrsterday was our 26th wedding that's my happy thing:)


Nana's Fun Stuff said...

I'm a new follower :)

Nana's Fun Stuff said...

I "like" you on FB and am really glad I found your blog :) Love it!

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