Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I was featured & the table that killed my new sander

I was featured! If you missed the original post, you can see it here.

The DIY Show Off

Here's the other farmhouse table I promised to show you (here's the first one). It started out as one of those ubiquitous blonde tables (shown after I started sanding):

When I first saw it at Savers, someone else was looking at it and they called it first! I was so sad. The top was already well worn and dinged, and I knew it would be perfect for a farmhouse table.

The next time I went back to Savers, it was still there, but with a "sold" tag on it! And the next...and the next! I finally asked how long they would hold a table. Apparently--only 24 hours. It had been far longer than that, so it came home with me.

Here's how it looked after:

The finish on this table was THICK. It took a ton of sanding to get down to bare wood. I had treated myself to a Skil Orbital sander only three weeks ago, but this table killed it. The worst part was that when it died, I wasn't even sure what happened. The sander would still rotate, but it didn't do the back-and-forth thing to prevent the sanding marks. That meant I got a TON of sanding marks all over my lovely bare wood.

I had to sand...and sand...and sand some more to even get close to getting rid of them. I never did get all the marks out, but hey, it's a distressed table! I beat the thing with a chain, so it didn't need to be too perfect.

The top got at least five coats of polyacrylic. It gives a great shine.

The lady who took it home has her eye on some chairs from Pier 1 to go with it...I think these ones. I think they will look great together!

Furniture Feature Fridays


Bonnie@Creative Decorating said...

Your table is amazing! I have thought about doing furniture makeovers to sell. Just a little scared that all my hard work won't sell!

Rachel said...

Congratulations on getting featured!!!

Six in One Hand said...

So sorry to hear of the loss of your sander. It is always a tragedy when power tools pass away, however; you have a killer table as a consulation!!!

Unknown said...

Very nice! I love the stain color on top.

Cassie said...

Looks great! Could you share what you used on the top?

Korrie@RedHenHome said...

Thank you all for your kind comments! In answer to Cassie's question, I used Minwax Dark Walnut Stain on the top -- probably about 3 coats. Then I used one coat of Minwax hand-rubbed polyurethane in satin, followed by about 4 coats of polycrylic. I know it's an odd combination, but I like the color I get with the hand-rubbed stuff better, but I don't think it protects well enough for hard use. I use the polycryclic afterward to give the hard-wearing shiny finish. I did sand between coats, except between the second-to-last and last coat.

kathie said...

I hope you take that sander back and get a new one! LOVE the table~ its gorgeous, great job!

Unknown said...

GREAT makeover! I would love to score something like that!

Michelle said...

This is gorgeous!