Thursday, February 23, 2012

Burlap Love–a giveaway!

Growing up, picnics and holidays were an excuse to make homemade ice cream!  My introduction to burlap began there—my dad would put a big chunk of ice in an old burlap sack and whack it with the flat side of an axe to crush ice for the ice cream freezer.

If I told my dad that people (meaning me) were using burlap for curtains and pillows, I *know* he would think I was crazy!

But take a look at these adorable pillows from Kijsa Studio!


She makes them out of old burlap sacks


Dad, I’m sure she washed them first.


…and she has generously offered to give one of her initial pillows (your choice) away to a Red Hen Home reader!

There are two ways to enter:

1.  (Mandatory) Please visit Kijsa Studio’s Etsy shop, then come back here and leave a comment telling me which pillow is your favorite (initial, zipcode, address, etc).

2.  (Optional) Leave another comment telling me something good that happened to you within the last 24 hours!

That’s it!  Winner will be determined via random number generator on Monday, February 27.  Good luck!

What are you waiting for?? Visit Kijsa Studio HERE.


P.S.  For those sweet souls who are wondering, the table issue isn’t quite resolved yet.  Apparently the manager got an e-mail back from the corporate office finally on Wednesday, and they were firm but kind on the store-credit-only stance.  The manager said he would send a second e-mail back saying HE thought they should give us our money back.  We shall see!


Unknown said...

Boy, was that hard to decide but I love the zipcode pillow the most I think : )

Unknown said...

Hmmm, something good .... ok, the 2 piece I've been working on (recovering a French Wingback chair with burlap and refinishing an antique dresser) are almost finished. Oh and my daughter picked me up some Via last night so I have coffee this morning. Those are a few good things : )

eorban said...

I like the initial pillows best! Thanks for offering this giveaway.

Dawn said...

What cute pillows! I think I'd like and initial pillow if I am so lucky as to win!

eorban said...

Something good....I learned how to better use my Blackberry tablet-for a non-techie person, quite the accomplishment! :)

Dawn said...

Well I work with special needs kiddos, kindergarden thro 2nd grade. I have a wopping 12 kids in my class many one on one. We had two aides out of 5 gone in the class yesterday, which can put us in a pickle. But you know what, we made it thro..No lunch hr. of any of us, but we made it to 3:00 and mannaged to get all twelve of them on that bus at the end of the day. Thats what I call a good day!!!

Karin said...

I Love the ampersand! I have a thing for them and there are several in my house, the pillow would be a great addition.

Karin said...

My daughter has been sick the last few days and she is finally feeling better, I hate when my kids aren't feeling well, I always feel so helpless!

Cassie Bustamante said...

oh i love the address pillow! i would love to put that out by my door!

Tracy's Trinkets and Treasures said...

I love the circles the letter in the middle. I might have to copy this idea if I don't win. It is too cool.

Tracy's Trinkets and Treasures said...

The best thing that happened was I got to run outside in 73 degree weather with my puppy!

BumbleBeeLane said...

I'm loving the Burlap Charley Pillow - S Warm Blessings!~Amy

BumbleBeeLane said...

The best thing that happened to my in the last 24 hours is Today I get a PJ day.No appointments,no need to leave the house just a lazy

Myszka said...

I love the address pillow:)

Myszka said...

And the wonderful thing is right now! Strawberry cup cakes are in the oven:)

P said...

Love the pillows. I would choose the initial pillow. Just added Kijsa Studio to my favorites on Etsy.

Renea said...

I love the address pillow. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Renea said...

The best thing that has happened in the last 24 hours is that my son and his wife bought their first home. I would be giving them the address pillow if I am the lucky winner. This style of pillow is totally them. Thanks for the great giveaway.

Kelly said...

I love, love, love these pillows! I think I would choose the initial one.

Kelly said...

The best thinkg that has happened in the last 24 hours is snuggling with my kiddos. They are so warm and soft and sweet smelling! I wish we could snuggle all day!

MakePaducah said...

Korrie...I love this! Thank you so much for you and your fabulous readers visiting my shop!! My something good is this great post! Thanks so much!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

I like the custom state pillow, Korrie! My husband has been embracing all things Ohio since we moved here, but I swear, if I see one more Ohio State sweatshirt on him I will scream. I think an Ohio pillow on his office chair would be nice compromise!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Something good that happened in the last 24 hours ~ my daughter texted me yesterday afternoon that her husband's family {visiting this week from NY} is leaving a day earlier than she thought, so I'll be able to see my granddaughter on Saturday after not seeing her all week!

Bliss said...

They are all nice, but I have to go with the zip code. Think I would use the one from when I was a kid in California. (No not Beverly Hills!).


Bliss said...

Something good .... I had a weekend open up unexpectedly that will allow me to take my family on a brief spring break.

PS Would that store owner rather have you come back and make a purchase happily or be forced to patronize his business by having to use a store credit?

Amy Kinser said...

She does have a great shop, doesn't she? I love words and numbers but would probably pick a number for something different. Love that your love for burlap started with your daddy.

Amy Kinser said...

A great thing is something I shared in a blog post yesterday about my mama. She went in for a chemo appt. thinking she had eight left and the Dr. said things have been going so well and her blood work so good, that she is only going to have two more left!!!!! Praise God!!

Alaina said...

My favorite pillow is the address pillow and I love the rectangular shape. These are really cute pillows and I would love to win one.

Alaina said...

The good thing that happened today is that my husband called to say that we will be able to order the same baseboard molding for the basement that we have in the rest of the house. We originally built this house in 1998 and to be able to find the same molding 14 years later is really good!

SImple and Serene Living said...

Hard choice. I hate having to make a decision. Remember when I won the sign? It was grueling for me to make a decision. I think I like the initial pillow the best. :)

Lace@sugarspiceandlace said...

I think i would love to have and R pillow too cute!

SImple and Serene Living said...

Something good that happened to me in the last 24 hours is that I had the best night's sleep I've had in ever.

Lace@sugarspiceandlace said...

Something Good! I have been crafting in a ugly corner of a room I have been waiting to be finished so I took action and made it happy so now when I sit at my desk and blog or craft I know I did what I could now to make things better.

Shawna said...

I know its a reserved piece, but I liked the TEXAS pillow.... otherwise, the ampersand character is darling.

Unknown said...

I love the letter "r" pillow since my last name is Ryan. Great giveaway, thanks!

Shawna said...

As for something good happening... I managed to get off of work with only an hour over overtime yeseterday... it may not sound like much, but I have been putting in 12-14 hour days for over a month now... the chance to go home and actually cook a decent meal (instead of heating up something out of a can) was amazing...

Good luck with the refund on the table!

Unknown said...

Avery good thing that happened in the last 24 hrs. was when I stepped on the scale, I was three more lbs. less!

The Painted Parlor said...

i love the '&' one. i love em all actually, hard to choose. something good....hmm, my 5 year old is FINALLY better from having strep and a fever for 7 days!

pick me, pick me!!

Trisha said...

Definitely an initial pillow with a "P" on it!


Trisha said...

One good thing that has happened to me this week-I get to leave on a little overnight trip to see a friend in Seattle on Saturday. Can't wait!


Sandi @ The Primitive Skate said...

LOVE these pillows!
I think I would choose the Burlap Charley Pillow in the &.

Sandi @ The Primitive Skate said...

The best thing that happened to me is that my 11 yr old son has the day off from school and I have a day off from work. This usually never happens. I work second shift, so I see him in the mornings that's it. So we will be having a fun day together.

Amanda Jones said...

i LOVE the initial pillows. she does great work!

Amanda Jones said...

I just paid off my car this morning. That's a great thing for sure!

kristie said...

love the initial pillows....just wanted to say thank you for all of your wonderful projects that you share with us

Jessica said...

I like the initial ones! Thanks for the chance!

Jessica said...

Something good that happened in the last 24 houurs? My husband just surprised me with a breakfast bagel from my favorite bagel place in town.

April @ PolkaDots n' PinkySwears said...

I like the "&" symbol pillows!!

April @ PolkaDots n' PinkySwears said...

My daughter gave me a massage last night!! I was way overdue for one :)

Carrie@comfortablycarriedaway said...

Something good in the past 24 hours...It took me two attempts but the transfer finally went onto my table without peeling off the paint. YEAH!

Carrie@comfortablycarriedaway said...

I would love a "D" pillow for DeRosia.

Shannon@Cozy Home Scenes said...

I really like the Jefferson Street pillow. I like it because of the shape and the words. Would love to win it!--- Shannon

Shannon@Cozy Home Scenes said...

The good thing that happened within the last 24 hours is that my Grandmother came through a very difficult surgery and hopefully will mend quickly.--------Shannon

Barbara said...

I like the address pillow.So different and unique. A good thing that happened tome in the last 24 hours is I found a really good chiropracter that is helping me with my weight loss and stress!


MissLeslieMarie said...

Love the "&" symbol pillows! Would look super cute in between the letters of my husband and I on the couch!

MissLeslieMarie said...

A good thing that happened to me in the last 24 hours was my mom coming over last night to keep me company while my husband's out of town. :) I treasure our little dinner-wine mom time sleepovers.

Irene said...

They are all nice pillows, I like the address or the Texas pillow.

Alyssa said...

I LOVE the Favorite Team pillow! But I don't think I could choose if I had to pick...they are all awesome! I may just have to get a few! :)

Alyssa said...

One good thing that happend to me in the past 24hrs...Well, I got my sister a job! yay!

Irene said...

Something good that happened to me the last 24 hours is that my husband took the day off and treated my son and I to a Barbeque Lunch. I also finished three stained glass butterflies to be donated to the Holocaust Museam in Houston for their Butterfly Project.

Rachel said...

Something good that happened in the last 24 hours is that I actually slept last night!! It is amazing how good you can feel after just one night of good sleep! :D

Sherri said...

I love the address pillow! I really love them all! Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

cmcdermitt1 at carolina dot rr dot com

Sherri said...

Good news: I just found out my husband and I don't have to pay alot for our company income taxes this year to the IRS-WOOOOOHOOOOO!

Unknown said...

My favorite is the custom state - Texas, of course!

Unknown said...

The nicest thing that happened to me in the last 24 hours, is that I made it home safely! I was flying standby from Utah to Texas, and I got bumped all day long. I had to spend the night and try again yesterday. So it was wonderful to finally get home!

ChRiS said...

i don't see a Letter A but if i did would be my favoite!!!

ChRiS said...

as i grow older everyday i wake up is a good thing........

Kelly said...

Hello! Thanks for the giveaway. I love the initial pillows and the one with the ampersand. So cute!


Kelly said...

In the last 24 hours, my first tulip of the year bloomed! It's a beautiful orange color.

Pegster said...

Hi, Korrie,

I have been enjoying your blog for months. I discovered it while recovering from surgery.

I had fun visiting Kijsa Studio. Thank you for the link. I loved all the pillows, but my very favorite would be the street address pillow.

A wonderful thing that happened yesterday is that I saw dolphins while walking the beach. It is always exciting and a spirit lifting event.

Be well.


Rita O'Dwyer at email addy said...


Unknown said...

Since my last name starts with W, I like the W pillow ! said...

The nice thing that happened to me today is that the sun is shining and it's warm outside, which means the little lady I take care of who has Alzheimer's could go outside and enjoy the fresh air and beuatiful day.

Cara said...

I really, really like those initial pillows best!

Cara said...

I've actually had a lot of good thing happen to me the last 24 hours. But the best was finding my favorite pair of earring after I lost them months ago! I'm very easy to please lol

imsteelefullofscrap said...

Love your burlap pillows plz enter me in

MollyP said...

Why is burlap so fabulous? I adore her & pillow. Thanks!

angela said...

I like the state pillow...

angela said...

Something that is good is that I just had the official are we in a relationship talk.

Gloria said...

Naturally, I love the Charley pillow with the M (for McAllister).

I did have something very good happen to me today. I won a Kindle Fire for a sales promotion at work! Can't wait to get it.

I'd love that pillow too. ;-)

Dragonfly4 said...

I kinda love the address pillow!.
Count me in!

Dragonfly4 said...

The good thing today...
My sweet hubby forgave me immediately for letting the "paving gypsies" charge me too much for patching our driveway.... oops.

the nayz said...

I am loving the ampersand right now.


the nayz said...

Just yesterday, I went to a blogger meet and greet and I saw some good friends, as well as met new ones!!


Carrie @ lovely etc. said...

My fav is the ampersand pillow.

Carrie @ lovely etc. said...

Good thing: It was such a beautiful day today - sunny and 70 degrees!

Covenant Lights by Dorothy said...

LOVE the zipcode pillow. The numbers are just so beautiful!

Covenant Lights by Dorothy said...

Good thing today is I just got the bathroom cleaned!! Woo Hoo!! :)

wyochatfields said...

I love the Burlap & pillow awesome idea.

jerri said...

Oh how I love these pillows....I would love to have the zip code pillow w/ the zip code of our hometown & where we met.

jerri said...

Best thing to happen in the last 24 47 year old husband, who we thought was the picture of perfect health, had 99% blockage & 70% blockage of his arteries. He just came out of surgery and is doing great! God is good!!!

Anonymous said...

What great pillows! I like them all, but have decided the zip code pillow has to be my fav.

I heart the burlap frame she offers as well.

Anonymous said...

Oh...and the best thing that has happened in the last 24 hours is we found out my daughter is having a baby boy!

she dreams big! said...

These are the best pillows ever! Love the ampersand! I'm going to dream about winning tonight!

she dreams big! said...

My 'good thing' happened just awhile ago. I made it home safely through a snowstorm! I was never so glad as to park the car and walk through my door. Warm, snuggly blanket - here I come!

Gypsy Heart said...

What a great shop! Thanks for introducing her to us. I would LOVE the "Texas" pillow. :-)

Hope your table situation turns out in your favor.

Gypsy Heart said...

The "good" is that my physical therapy is almost over. It has been a godsend!


Karen Harrison said...

I like the ampersand pillow the best because it's versatile.

Today my daughter and I went to Ross to return a backpack she bought that broke after using it for less than a week. She found a Juicy Couture hoodie marked $9.99. The Ross people did NOT want to give it to us for that but they did!

Homeroad said...

Hi Korrie!
Great Pillows! I love the one with the address on it, the Charley pillow.

Homeroad said...

When I got home from work today I had a package waiting for me! I love to get packages!

Ali Richardson said...

AWESOME giveaway!! I looooove all of them but my top pic is the custom address pillow. Fingers crossed!!!

Ali Richardson said...

I got to hold my brand new baby newphew Oliver for an hour while he was sleeping. It was fabulous!

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

Hi Korrie, I love the zip code pillow! Thanks for the opportunity.
xo, Sherry

Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

I got a call from my little granddaughter today that she will be competing in gymnastics. Her excitment made my day!

Diane Kuffler said...

I would LOVE a letter "K" pillow... because I collect letter K's!!

nancy said...

I like the address pillows. I live in the same house I grew up in and now my kids have grown up in this house.I get to tell them stories about this house and show them pictures of this house and what it looked like when I was little. Hopefully my husband and I will grow old in this house like my mom and dad did. So I was use the address pillow with our address on it.

Anonymous said...

I love the custom letter Charley pillow!

Anonymous said...

I have the day off from work tomorrow!

Dawn said...

I really like the initial pillows with the ampersand.

GiftsofGab said...

Aww, the address one is awesome!! If I had it, I don't know if I could bring myself to move out. XD
Thanks for setting this up! ^^

GiftsofGab said...

Today, my cat hopped on my belly and took a nap. She doesn't do that kind of thing, so it was a very nice surprise!

Riley said...

I love the initial pillow!! One "r" coming right up please!

Riley said...

Today's moment of joy was from talking to a good friend on the phone.

Debbie said...

I think the zip code is my favorite, but I love the initials -- they remind me of vintage typewriter keys! Thanks for this awesome giveaway!

chubmoma said...

My good thing that happened----I took a vacation day yesterday and worked on crafts. I needed to relax.

chubmoma said...

I love the initial pillow.

Unknown said...

I love the burlap pillow with the one big initial in a circle.

coastal femme said...

I love them all, but I would have to say the pillow with one's city on it is my favorite.

coastal femme said...

I rode my bike ten miles this morning and always get a really good feeling afterwords from this accomplishment.

Eclectically Vintage said...

Fabulous pillows - my favorite is the zip code!

Eclectically Vintage said...

My good thing - found an amazing vintage 70's peacock double thermos on my way out of the thrift shop!

Anonymous said...

I really like the GO CATS...our town is the Wild cats and we love supporting them. Thanks for the

Anonymous said...

TELL ME SOMETHING GOOD: Got my sons birthday stuff all finished and am ready for his 2nd in a couple of weeks. I dont know why but his birthday stresses me out. I sure hope the weather hold out, but you never know in WEST

Anonymous said...

I love them all but especially the initial pillows. So unique!

Anonymous said...

Something good - a long, uninterrupted chat with my BFF.

teampr8 said...

oh my, i love typography and pillows, soo hard to decide, the monogram

teampr8 said...

my fourth and youngest, just told me she loves me more today than she did yesterday-that makes a fabulous day for me!!!

Colleen said...

i love love love the custome address pillow goes with my map idea...XO

Colleen said...

My something good that happened..i was blessed with yet another day!! :)

Charlotte Wilson said...

I love the Burlap Charley "W" pillow because that is my initial.


Charlotte Wilson said...

The something good that happened to me today is that my husband vacuumed the house and is doing the laundry. Why? Because he is just a really good guy.:o)


Scarabin said...

My favorite pillow is the Zip Code!
And a great thing happened last night, I had a meaningful conversation with my teenage daughter! No whining, crying or surliness!

Kimberly T. said...

My dad would say the same thing, lol, burlap is for potato sacks.

I really like the initial pillows, actually they're all really, super cute!

Kimberly T. said...

Something good that happened, hmm, my last 24 hours weren't that great. However, 2 things in the last 2 hours, my friend brought me a beautiful bouquet of daisys to thank my for watching her (annoying) kids. :) And #2, when my daughter threw-up she made it to the toilet. Yeah!

Leslie said...

Ooh, those pillows are so beautiful! I'm torn between the ampersand and the address.

Leslie said...

My uncle treated me to a yummy lunch today. It was nice spending time with him.

Carol Stuck said...

Wow...all the pillows are so awesome it is hard to pick. I think I love the letter pillows the and the address pillows the best.


Unknown said...

I love the address pillow! the house I live in now, we rent but I would love to put the adress of the house I grew up in. I havent been in there in 10 years but that was home! Love the pillows!


Unknown said...

Can I give 2 great things? I was featured for the first time today! And last night my 1 1/2 year old peed on the potty for the first time! Haha hope to win!

Kim said...

I love the "&" pillow...thanks for the chance to win one.

Kim said...

When I called about a phone bill today that I thought they had over charged me. I thought they over charged me 36.00 but it turned out they returned 101.00. That was a good thing that made me smile.

bj said...

Thanks so much for letting us know that Kjisa has a shop...I had no idea and she is one of my favorite artists. I have her little hand painted rabbit pillow from several years ago....and a little hand towel with the same rabbit. :))
I love her work.
Thanks for giving me a chance to get a -pillow from her. You Rock!!

I couldn't stand it and I just ordered the Zip Code pillow...I love that.

xo bj

bj said...

The nice thing that happened to me tonight is that Mr. Sweet and I were invited to our friends house to help them celebrate their 45th anniversary. We had cake, Lemon curd and coffee while we played card games. Fun time with best friends. :))

Charlotte said...

Love all of them but I think I like the address one the best!

Charlotte said...

Something good would definitely be a beautiful sunny 78 degree day in Cali. Can't beat it!

P said...

The something good that happened to me was I finally got a landscape design drawn up for our front yard.We have lived in this house for over 30 years and some of the old overgrown bushes need to be replaced. This is a plan I can work on alittle at a time. Yeah

Diane said...

A zip code pillow would look perfect on my chair ! Hope the lucky stars are shining on me Monday :) Diane

Diane said...

Something wonderful happened when the aged looking lamp shade I was stenciling on turned out just as I hoped it would. Makes me smile everytime I turn on the lamp. Diane

Carey said...

Wow it's a toss up. Gorgeous pillows. I'd probably go with the address pillow but the initial pillow was a close second for sure.

Carey said...

Something to watch my girls play volleyball today!

Heather said...

I love the address pillow! Thanks for the giveaway!!!

Unknown said...

I like the initial pillows best. I wouldn't mind having one in Red.

Unknown said...

Something good that has happened to me in the last 24hrs. I played monopoly with my family. I also visited "pick your plum" for the first time. It's a local daily deal site for crafters. It's been a pretty good weekend.

Pam said...

How cute are those pillows! Pick just one? I love them all! What a hard task you have put before all of us. But, if I had to choose just one, I think the ampersand would have to be my favorite.

Pam said...

Something good (great actually) that happened is I just found your blog! So many wonderful things on here! Your beadboard postcard and postcard table have really inspired me. I'm going to try my hand at one for my sister and brother in law. They have a 2 year old little girl and 10 month old twin boys. Needless to say they have their hands full. I agreed to come over and paint their living room/help redecorate. One of those postcard pieces would be perfect in there!

Danna said...

I love the personal address pillow. How cute!!

Marie W. said...

I really like the address pillow as well. I've been looking for a pillow to use on the bench sitting on my front porch, and these would be great for that!

(I love your blog, by the way. It makes me want to get out in my garage and start sanding and painting!)

Amy said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the address pillow

Amy said...

Each day is wonderful when spent with my loving husband!

Emma said...

I love the customized letter pillow! It would look lovely on my bed. :)

pcb said...

Love them all but the address pillow would be my pick!

pcb said...

Best thing? Can I have two? First, my husband was gone this weekend and I got lots of crafting done....second, he came home today!

Sally said...

The address pillow is awesome!!! Thanks for hosting such a wonderful giveaway!!!

Sally said...

The past 24 hours have been great - my mom is doing well following surgery last week, my youngest daughter played well in her softball tournament, I went thrifting, our family spent time together... I could go on and on! Life is good :)

MotivatedMommy said...

Definitely the initial one,I adore the address as well, but since ours is regularly changing (military), I would have to go with the initial=D They are all amazing looking BTW=D My twin 2 year old finally getting the hang of potty training...that's definitely a great thing that's happened in the last 24 hours=D

Roeshel said...

Wow! Those are gorgeous! I think my favorite is the zip code/Charly. :)

Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

The pillows are beautiful. I love the initial pillow.


Dee ⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️⚜️ said...

My mother finally answered the phone. My dad passed away almost 3 years ago. My mother is still grieving. I was getting close to taking a 15 hour car trip to make sure she was alright.
Today is a very happy day!


White Lace and Promises said...

My favorite was the pillow with the address on it! Loved it. I sure wish I had your talent!

Since I have to work my shop on Saturdays, my daughter in law went to the Flea market and found all kind of goodies for me. She shares my love for vintage and knows how to please me.

White Lace and Promises said...

Okay, didn't realize that I had to pick an initial. My favortie of course, is h. Really like the look too of the addressed on. My zip is 31082, P O Box 682, Sandersville, Georgia 31082

scrapfancy said...

These are great ideas with the zips & cities. My fav was the city. Nice job she does.

scrapfancy said...

In the last 24 hours I got my meds that I needed but the pharmacy was closed. My fault and we got our taxes done. YEAH!

Welcome to the Garden of Egan said...

The pillows are adorable.

I'm still holding out for your refund of cold hard cash!!!!

tracydale said...

Her site is adorable, how can you pick, they are all so cute, I am a typography nut so they all would work for me........


Camille said...

I love the address pillows! CUTE!

Camille said...

Happy thing in the last 24hrs? We're in the middle of a master bath reno and we finally have most of the tile complete. Whew!

Anonymous said...

I love the ampersand pillow most!