Monday, July 18, 2011


Yesterday I shared pictures of the beautiful farm where my friend and I took pictures of my children a couple of weeks ago.   I am a novice photographer, but I had to take some pictures of my own…just for practice!  We didn’t get all of my children, but I thought I would share some photos of my beautiful chicklets!

This is child #3 (9 1/2 years).  He’s been up weeding the garden this morning in order to earn money for a new Wii game!  Yep, he’s motivated by cold, hard cash.

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He was my smallest baby (7 lbs. 7 oz.), and has reminded short and slight.  He has the quickest temper, though!

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But he’s capable of a quiet, reflective side.  He loves to read about animals, and has a very tender heart where they’re concerned.  The fact that his mother is allergic to EVERY animal is a great trial for him.

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This is chicklet #4 (7 1/2 years).  When I found out I was pregnant with her, we were unemployed and uninsured and in the midst of a nasty legal battle.  I knew I wanted more children, but the timing didn’t seem quite right.  When I told my sister I was pregnant, she said, “How wonderful!  Now you have a little bright spot to look forward to!”  Oh, my dear sister!  She changed my whole perspective with those few words.  And this child…has been a bright spot every day of her life.

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She’s all girl…loves to dress up, loves to dance, loves to pose for the camera!

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She’s a princess, through and through.

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This is chicklet #5.  He turns 6 on Saturday, and he wants to go see Cars 2!  I was literally in labor for 3 days with this child, and in the end we found out he had unusual condition with his umbilical cord and placenta that could have caused a life-threatening situation if labor had proceeded fast and furious.  We are grateful for tender mercies that made things happen as they needed to bring us a healthy boy!

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This boy has also had some other challenges.  He had an injury that destroyed his left eardrum when he was 11 months old, and he’s had to have three surgeries to repair the damage—the last one was in February.  He’s also speech-delayed, but he has made tremendous ‘catch-up’ progress during the last year.

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He wasn’t always a very happy child—in fact, I’d say he was an angry child for years!  But now…we see that gorgeous smile much more often, and it melts my heart every time!

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This is chicklet #6 (3 1/2 years), my baby.  Even the day after #5 was born, I knew there was another little spirit meant for our home, and I knew it was a going to be a girl! 

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I had a difficult time capturing her actually looking at the camera!  So we’ll just go with what comes naturally.  She’s full of life and fun, and perfectly secure in her lofty position as “the baby of the family.”

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Thanks for visiting with us…off to other tasks now!

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Gypsy Heart said...

Korrie, they are all totally adorable! I love that their eyes are smiling too ~ pure love. You are one brave lady! I knew after #2, my daughter, I did not want to go through another pregnancy. Long story but I felt extremely blessed and grateful to have had a son the first time around and a daughter to complete the set was perfect. :-)

You are truly blessed my friend! Thanks so much for sharing these precious "chicklets" and the beauty of the photos.


Meg Groke said...

Those are beautiful pictures (and kiddos!) for only being a "novice". And I love your setting, too, on the farm.

The Polka Dot Closet said...

Great pictures....6 OMG 6 kids!!! They are all adorable!! How in the world do you find time???


Kathryn Ferguson Griffin said...

Korrie, they are absolutely beautiful! Your youngest is the same age as our little Chloe! They would probably have a lot of fun together!! Thanks for posting.

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

Korrie! sweet faces, all of 'em! what a wise sister you have. I'm so glad she had such wisdom when you needed it.
thanks for sharing your chicklets with us!

Jennifer Interiors said...

Simply priceless jewels!!

Unknown said...

Okay. second was speech delayed because of hearing issues and at 13, you would never know it!! There is something about that number 5....his grin is filled with piss and vinegar!!! Simply wonderful.:)

wisp said...

Such sweethearts! I can't believe how fast they are growing up! We miss them (and their siblings). Loving them helped me realize how much I do want to be a mommy. Seeing them growing up makes me excited for the future of my family. =)

Kristal said...

Hey Korrie, first off, thanks so much for your super sweet comments on my blog! I would love to be able to sit down with you and chat. Hopefully we can find a better way to communicate via the internet. I am truly looking forward to it!!

Second, I really don't see who you get as much done as you do with 6 kids ~ LOL!! You deserve a Superwoman of the Year award!! But all of them are picture-perfect and I'm sure they are wonderful helpers, each in their own way.

Your pictures are so good. What kind of camera do you use? I think I am in need of a new one, but unfortunately the only way I might get a new is to be supergood and maybe Santa might bring me one!!!!

Hoping to get some projects done this I might be giving you a shout out!

Ciao for now,

The Painted Parlor said...

What sweethearts you have! And I truly mean that, they're adorable and look so full of life. Now our task is to ENJOY them!


bj said...

Your chicklets are so adorable. I know you just love 'em flat to death. I have 2 children, a boy and a girl, which are now, a man and a woman. Out of those two wonderful gifts from God, I have 10 grandchildren and 1 little great-grand. Talk about being blessed!! :))