The first of my many iris have bloomed. In a week or two, my front yard will be beautiful with all shades of purple, blue, and yellow flowers. Iris make me happy; they remind me of my dad. So no matter what the weather...there is a little sunshine in my soul today!
And I would like to share a little sunshine with YOU! I noticed yesterday that I now have over 300 followers. THANK YOU to all of you who give me support, encouragement, and praise for my little projects. In appreciation, I would like to send one of you a little "You Are My Sunshine" canvas that I finished today.
Do you remember my BIG Sunshine canvas(es)?
...well, I'm sorry; you don't get one of those! But I did make an abbreviated version.
You get to make a choice. Both canvases are 11" x 14", and are soft yellow (probably not quite as bright as they look on your screen) with off-white lettering.
Would you like one? The only "mandatory" entry is to tell me which one you would like, AND I would love it if you would also tell me something that makes sunshine in your soul!
If you would like a second entry, leave a second comment telling me that you are a follower. After all, this giveaway is for YOU!
I will choose a random winner on Sunday, June 5. (Edited to add: this giveaway has ended.)
As a side note, if you like to cut vinyl on your Silhouette or Cricut, I found a less-expensive alternative to transfer tape!
If you would like a second entry, leave a second comment telling me that you are a follower. After all, this giveaway is for YOU!
I will choose a random winner on Sunday, June 5. (Edited to add: this giveaway has ended.)
As a side note, if you like to cut vinyl on your Silhouette or Cricut, I found a less-expensive alternative to transfer tape!
I found this roll of "Clear Cover" at Hobby Lobby a couple of days ago. It's meant to be used for book covers, but it said it was re-positionable and clear, and it was only FOUR DOLLARS for a huge roll! For that price, I decided it was worth trying. Well, I am happy to report it works great! Hope that helps someone else out. :-)
Linking up here!

I like #1 the best!
I like #2, but I LOVE yours! :) it's fabulous!
as a sidenote, ohhh how I wish there was snow here. normal temps suppose to be about 80. yesterday 93 today 94 tomorrow 95... see a pattern emerging? hmph! Those temps and our ohio humidity makes it pretty miserable to STILL be MAY!
yep, I'm a follower! :) very happily I might add!
I wish I had one of those Cricuts or Silhouettes. I love both of your designs. Can't believe you are still dealing w/ the cold and snow. I am over here typing w/ a touch of sunburn from hanging on the beach this weekend. Sending a little sunshine your way :)
I like #2 as the distressed look is a fav or mine! I am wondering where on earth you live though...snow? What a bummer!
Stacey of Embracing Change
I am a follower1 Please enter me in the giveaway!!!
Stacey of Embracing Change
I like number 2. No pressure to pick me just because I'm your sister!
I thought I was a follower before, but I guess I just 'liked' you. but I'm official now, and turned my SIL Brandi onto your site last night
I like number one. :D they're both gorgeous though. All my iris are gone already. (I live in Missouri) They definitely put sunshine in my soul! :D
I like #1. You're my hero! Keep up the good work! A clean house puts sunshine in my soul. :)
I like #2! this is the song that I used to sing to my youngest daughter who is now 16, when she was little. Any time she was sad, I would leave her a note and end it with this song. My kids bring sunshine to my soul!
And yes, I am a follower too! :-)
I think I like the glazed one the best, but both are very cute. 3 happy kids puts sunshine in my soul. And of course actual sunshine (I live in Utah too...atleast the sun made an appearance before it went down tonight!)
I'm a follower!
Congrats on Lauren's west furniture revival feature!!! That's awesome :). I would like #2 if I win! Yep, not much sunshine here in good old Utah, tomorrow is suppose to be 75, wahoo! We better enjoy it because I don't think it's gonna last!!
I'm a new follower! I tried to follow you a few days ago but something weird has been going on with the 'follower' section...there hasn't been anything there. Anyhoo, happy to now be a follower!
I'd love for you to come visit my blog, if you like what you see, sit and stay awhile ;)
I am a new follower, and I like #2. This post reminded me of when my children were small. I used to sing this song to them as I would rock them each night. They are the "sunshine in my soul"! I actually have a small embroidered/framed copy of it hanging in one of my girls rooms. They are all older now, but we talk of this song often and what it meant to each of them. It is funny how it affected each of them so differently.
Thanks for prompting this memory in me today.
Your Iris are gorgeous!!
How sweet of you to have this lovely giveaway of your beautiful canvas. I love #2.
I think that is one of the earliest songs I ever learned. My Grandmother used to sing it to me when I was little. She lived with us and sometimes I would crawl into be with her in the morning and she'd sing that song.
When my children were born I would rock them and sing it to them. They are the sunshine of my soul as is the memories this precious song evokes.
I am now a follower too ♥♥
I saw that sign (the original large one) and just fell in love with it! Used to sing that to our kids when they were little so I'd LOVE to have one of the small versions -- #2 is probably my favorite!
I am already a faithful follower!
Just found your lovely blog and am your newest follower!
I am not picky. Love both the signs! My kids are my sunshine and I've always sung that song to them since the day they were born. Many days spent rocking them to sleep to the tune of You Are My Sunshine!
love #2. Goodness, it is in the 90s here this week.
Love them both! I would love #1 or #2. So if I don't win, can we work something out? :)
I'm a follower too.
Love #2 best. Nice work.
They are both beautiful and I would be lucky to have either one! My daughter is my sunshine! :)
Oh how lovely! I like #2. But would love either! So nice of you to do. My nephew puts the sun in my soul!
I LOVE #1. That song is my favorite my mom used to sing it to me when I was little.
I am a follower too!
I'm a follower
I prefer the one that is more distressed looking. I'm a brand new grandma, so my little grandson puts sunshine in my soul! LOVE HIM!
#1... and my GRANDCHILDREN bring *sunshine* to my soul. And this would bring sunshine into the room the girls sleep in!! Oh yesssssss... :) <3
I'm following your BLOG! <3
I like #1 best. My husband is totally my sunshine and I don't care if I'm cliche! :)
katelyn.j.stephens at gmail dot com
I like Canvas #2!
Snow?! It's supposed to be over 100 degrees here this weekend!
I'm a follower!
I like #1. Something that brings me joy is having empty garbage cans! :)
These are both so beautiful. I think I like the 2nd one the very best. This song has a special place in my heart. When I was a kid I used to tell my mom "I wrote you a song" and then I would sing "You are my sunshine" to her but change "you'll never know dear..." to "you'll never know Mom" and insist that changing that one word meant I wrote a special song just for her :)
I like #1
I follow your blog
They are both great but I think I like #2 the best. Thanks for the tip on the vinyl.
I think #2. BUT~I'd take #1 in a heartbeat, too. :)
What puts sunshine in my soul? I saw a colt today, and he looked like he was posing for a picture. Head up, tail out, standing perfectly still. That did it for me today.
They're both delightful, but I sure am drawn to the second, "oldie" canvas. Sunshine in MY soul comes from my children (my 25 year old son's pet name is "Son-shine") and from my precious grandchildren. Aaahhh, life is GOOD.
Both are great but my fav is #2. Would love to win it :)
Am now a follower and love what I see on your blog!!!
#2. My husband used to sing this with our youngest. Good memories.
Both are great but I'd choose #2.
Thanks for the tips & the opportunity to win one of your projects!
I'm a new follower!!!
I like #1! Both versions - the long and the shorter - are lovely! Congrats on reaching 300 followers!
Good morning!
I like #2. I'm having so much fun browsing your blog and I'm still flabbergasted by the sheer genius of your chocolate table!
I have a big Cricut but have only used it a few times...looking forward to learning more about using it, so thanks for the tip.
Favorite song of my middle son when he was small. I've embroidered it for that reason. : ) Love brings sunshine in!
Good Morning!
I have always sang this song to our 4 kids. Ok well I never have gotten all the way through it without crying & my musical talents really begin and end with turning off & on the radio but I digress. This song really has deep meaning to me.
I love #2. Simply Gorgeous.
My sunshine is a lil old man in a beat up pick up truck with his faithful old dog in the passenger seat. The very site of this makes me feel warm and fuzzy and brings a smile to my face. I couldn't make myself stop smiling if my life depended on it.
Carolyn Windley
I am a follower of your site and love your projects. You inspire me to look at things in a new way. To see what they could be rather than what they are. Thank you.
I follow under my business name Full Throttle Ad Specialties.
Carolyn Windley
I would choose # 2! Love them both though!
Oh yes, I am one of those 300 followers!
I'm a follower! You have such great ideas. I would love to be the proud owner of #2. The sunshine in my soul is my 2-year-old grandson, AJ. My son just got custody of him a couple of weeks ago and they are moving into a house with us next week so we can be one big happy family. I'm really looking forward to decorating a little boy room for him and I think your canvas would be absolutely perfect on his wall to let him to know that he is truly the light of our lives. Thanks for the opportunity to's very generous of you.
I love the distressed one! Fantastic!
I'm a follower!
I would love either, but I think I like the second distressed one the best. I have lots of sunshine in my life; my family especially my 5 nieces and nephews, my friends, the darling children on the swimteam that I coach, and my golden retriever Murphy just to name a few!
I like #2 the best
I am following you and flowers make me happy!
I would be thrilled to have either, but I think the glazing might be my favorite. Seeing all the beautiful flowers we and are neighbors have planted makes me happy at this time of year, even on this rainy morning.
I'm a follower too.
I love the #2 picture. I also lovvvvvve your french chocolate coffee table.
I am also a new follower. I am going to have to make myself a table. You make it look easy.
Hi there...#2 would really make me happy!
It's 103 degrees here in Middle Georgia today, so I have quite enough of that kind of sunshine in my life. However, the sunshine of my soul is my husband and son and the blessed life I am living.
I'm a new follower...found you through Donna at Funky Junk when she blessed us with a feature on your French Chocolate table. Oh My Goodness!!!! (expresses more when you write it out..ha!) Your table is wonderful, and I am so glad to see the graphics you used. I am re-covering my dining room chairs so that they look like I used old feed sacks, but I am not liking the wording I had to use...I'm heading to the Graphics Fairy for your French Choc. one. Again, your table is beautiful! Best, Vicki
My fav is #2. My sunshine is family.
Irma :)
I'm also a new follower.
Irma :)
I would love to win canvas #1. I could use a little sunshine right about now.
I love #2 , the distressed one....and lilacs bring sunshine to my soul...mmmmmmm I can smell em all over my house.
I'm also a new follower!
I smiled when I saw this post. I used to sing this song to my daughter (now a mother of 4). I would LOVE to win this to give to her. THAT would put sunshine in MY soul. :)
I like #1.
OOO, and I just linked up to follow...and to get your posts in my email.
xo bj
#2 is my favorite! cross my fingers!!! thanks for the chance!!!
im a follower!!!!
I would love canvas #2. Love the older look. Just this phrase brings sunshine to my soul as we used to sing this song together on family trips. Also my Great-Grandfather used to call me his Sunshine. It's very special to me!
ravensrascals at gmail dot com
I'm a follower via GFC. Thanks for the giveaway!
ravensrascals at gmail dot com
I like #2 the best i think... my sunshines are my 2 little boy. I often sing this song to each of them. They are beautiful little rays of sun!
What a great giveaway! Thanks for sharing! I like #1. I'm usually a fan of the distressed look, but #1 just stood out to me :D I'm pretty sure I'm partly made of sunshine ;) I LOVE it when it's shining, and it's just so happy! :D I actually really hope I win this canvas because when my husband and I got married, I started saying, "good morning, sunshine!" when we'd wake up!!! It's our little special thing, and I'd love to hang this in our room!
Thanks, again, for sharing!
I love your irises!!! So beautiful! And I of course LOVE your project and the fun idea of a giveaway. Lovely lovely. =) *hugs*
I'm a new follower of your blog. I really enjoy seeing your projects. Your work is quite inspirational and I recently bought a chest of drawers (for $5!!!) and may do a similar "map" design with it. :) It'd look great in my living room. As for the canvas, I would like #2 for my son's room. Thank you for all the amazing ideas.
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