Saturday, August 27, 2011

Happy Birthday to ME! (and a giveaway for YOU!)

That’s right! On this day, 38 years ago, a 10-pound baby girl was born, and she turned out to be…ME!

This morning my six children awakened me by singing “Happy Birthday,” delivering this to my bed:

korriebday 001

(Sorry…I kind of started eating before I thought to take a picture!)

The flowers are from our neighbor’s yard (she said we could)…the bubble bread was made by my oldest daughter…she’s also the one who figured out how to fold the napkin from a YouTube video…my second son made the eggs with cheese and ham…and they all sang!

The only fly in my ointment is that I still don’t feel well. I’m sick of being sick. I don’t get sick very often…but on my birthday? That’s kind of lousy!

But you know what will make me feel better? I want to share the love a little bit. So I’m giving away another custom beadboard sign to one lucky reader.

The last winner chose this sign:


Or you can choose something like one of these:


Or you can choose something out of your imagination! You can choose the saying, the colors, distressed or not, vertical or horizontal…I’m flexible!

To enter this giveaway, just leave a comment telling me one of your favorite birthday memories.

Winner will be selected at random on Saturday, September 3.

Please leave an e-mail address if you don’t have one attached to your profile. Better yet…please attach an e-mail address to your profile!

I will not be responding to every comment...but I will read them all!

Thanks for sharing your memories with me!


Gypsy Heart said...

Happy, Happy Birthday!! I'm so sorry you're still not feeling well. Your kids are precious for doing this ~ I love it! Glad you remembered to take a picture. :-)

A birthday memory? Hmmm, well I've had a LOT of birthdays, girl! I guess one is I got married on my birthday ~ quite a celebration! I am now divorced but it was a special day.

Feel better soon!

Totally Booked Solid said...

My favorite Birthday would have to be my 27th birthday .. because 8 days before i gave birth to our beautiful baby girl . what better present then a baby. I'm so sorry you are sick on your birthday .. prayers for a quick recovery.


Allison said...

Sorry you are so sick on your Bday. Mine is tomorrow. :) Happy birthday to you! My favorite birthday memory is when my 19-year-old brother bought me, his 14-year-old sister, a solid silver french flute with a B-foot so I could progress better in music. He worked at a music store and my old flute was over 40 years old. What a great guy -- and even better man today. Thanks for your generosity and willingness to share your knowledge and skills, and I hope you feel better soon.

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

Happy Birthday, Korrie, and I hope you feel better soon! I have a tough time picking a favorite because my birthday is Halloween, but I guess it was when I was a kid because everyone wanted to come to my birthday party. Considering the extremes we go to these days for kids' parties, I loved how my Mom would set mine up at home.

gail@My Repurposed Life said...

Happy Birthday Korrie!!! and it stinks that you don't feel well!
How sweet to get breakfast from the kiddos!
Please count me in on this giveaway.
ohh bd memory. When I turned 50-my friends at work took me out to lunch, and jamie drove up from nashville and my niece Missy flew in from san antonio to surprise me. I still remember seeing jamie and missy trying to sneak into the restaurant without me seeing them! What a hoot! It was great to have both of them home for my birthday!

Anonymous said...

Aww..Happy Birthday to You!!!! I know it's lousy to be sick on your birthday but I hope it is a wonderful day regardless. How super sweet of your kiddos. Breakfast in bed is ALWAYS a treat!

Thanks for hosting the giveaway! I'm excited to enter. I don't really have a fave birthday memory. My family has always gone above & beyond to make me feel special on my birthda so they have all been wonderful :)


Renee said...

Get well real quick!!!
I would say one of the best birthdays was spent with my husband and my precious dog ( Binda) up in the snow near Mt. Shasta Ca., a wonderful fire in the snow over looking the lake and tossing snow balls for the dog to catch- and sipping nice coffee out of a thermos. Bliss!!!!!

Tina@WhatWeKeep said...

Happy Happy Birthday, Korrie!

I'm glad your little chicks are taking good care of you- look at all the detail to your birthday breakfast. Adorable! You have taught them well.

Expected delivery of your package is Monday. Wish it would have been there for you today. Feel better soon!

My favorite birthday...hmmm. They've all been memorable but I'll say this year was pretty sweet when we were in Coronado CA. Just relaxing and enjoying the simple pleasures!

Athena said...

Happy Birthday to you! I hope you start feeling better soon.

One of my favorite birthday memories was going on a birthday camping trip to Tybee Island, GA. Though it was hot (July), it was a lot of fun because we were in walking distance to the beach and a lot of great restaurants.

cereza25 at yahoo dot com

Grammy Goodwill said...

Happy birthday. I sure hope you're feeling better soon. My favorite birthday memory might be the first birthday after I was divorced. My (former at that point) brother in law stopped by the house with a Hostess cupcake so my kids could sing happy birthday to me. He's a wonderful person.
Feel better very soon.

Susan said...

Happy birthday! It's my birthday as well and I'm 28. We are practically twins. ;-) Hard to pick a favorite memory but I also enjoyed breakfast in bed this AM made by my sweet husband and lots of snuggles from my 1 year old baby girl.

Stacey said...

Happy birthday! A favorite birthday memory for me? Gee, they get less eventful as I get older...hmmm...maybe the year my sister so sweetly baked me a slew of cupcakes to spell out HAPPY BITHDAY STACEY on them! That was a very special memory for me and meant so much!
Stacey of Embracing Change

Bonnie Long (Bonnie Inc) said...

Happy Birthday! I added you recently to my bloglovin' and enjoy your posts. I've been sick on a birthday too, but one of my fondest birthday memories I was taken out to Durant's and my bf at the time had them specially make a strawberry shortcake for me! And they sang (which is uncommon in a restaurant of that class) It was so thoughtful! I loved it. It's so heart-warming to hear the wonderful things your family did for you as well!

Unknown said...

So sorry you're sick on your birthday! I'm glad your kids are taking care of you! And thanks for the great giveaway!

My favorite b'day would have to be my 27th because that was the day I found out that, after a year and a half of trying and failing, I was finally pregnant! I don't remember anything else about that day - how we celebrated or anything. I was just over the moon!
ladykyria at gmail dot com

eao219s said...

Happy Birthday and hope you feel better very soon!! I honestly have too many great birthday memories to say just one but I am going to look to the future and say that this years birthday will be the best. I will be 30 in September and I am looking at it as a new chapter with my 2 beautiful girls, my loving husband and my dog! Can't wait to see what the next chapter brings!

Anonymous said...

BOO for feeling like junk on your BIRTHDAY!!! I think my favorite birthday memory will be this year's! My birthday is actually September 4th and I will be 25! God has done a lot in me the past year and I've matured quite a bit! I'm happily married, and we just purchased our first home, and I'll graduate college next December. So far so good!!!


Sandi @ The Primitive Skate said...

Happy Birthday Korrie-
Sorry your not feeling well!

My Birthday was this month also....
on Aug. 17th...And this year would have to be the best memory because I was scheduled to work on that day,(I work at a nursing home in the Dementia unit) and I didn't have any plans, so I didn't take the day off I went to work.

When I got to work and all settled in for my residents started to sing "Happy Birthday" and they made me a Birthday card (with help from the activity department) and they all had their names on there whether it was an x or a scribble or their actual name. Now that was touching, I cried like a baby. That meant more to me than anything.

I hope you enjoy your day! And thanks for the chance in your giveaway!

Mrs.Kwitty said...

Happy Birthday! wow, a 10 lb baby :o) I always have a wonderful birthday as I'm a summer baby and we always go up to the cabin for my birthday week. When I turned 40 (10 whole years ago now), they threw me a HUGE suprise b-day party, and it was a blast.
Smiles, Karen

Katie @ said...

Happy birthday!!! I'm sorry you're not feeling well.

My favorite is probably a toss-up between celebrating at an awesome little bar in Bagaces, Costa Rica last year, and the year before taking myself on a tour of million dollar homes and winning a free dinner at an amazing restaurant from the radio station hosting the tour. Whether I'm with loved ones or alone, I can usually find a fun way to celebrate. :)

Dragonfly4 said...

Happy Birthday to you!
Sorry you're not feeling well on your b-day :(
One of my first favorite memories is catching fireflies with my mom!

I love your signs!
All of your work is very inspiring - I especially love your french coffee table.
dragonflyu (at) verizon (dot) net

Heather said...

Happy Birthday, beautiful Mama! My funniest (in retrospect) was my 40th. Boyfriend ( at the time, now fiancé) booked a romantic weekend away. First night dinner at a favorite restaurant and I got food poisoning!! Spent the WHOLE time in the bathroom, and he watched the US Open, which I turned the volume all the way up on, so he wouldn't hear the explosions!!!
Here's hoping yours is way better

bj said...

so sorry you still aren't feeling well.
What sweeties your kids are to bring you breakfast in bed. I just love that. I also just love that you have 6 beautiful kids. My son has 6, also..and daughter, 4. We dearly love large families. God's Blessing!!

How sweet that you are having another fabulous sign giveaway.
You know I WANT IT. :))

The best birthday that comes to mind for me...
Mom and Dad divorced when I was young and I saw my dad only for awhile in the summer. One year, for my birthday, which is New Year's Eve, my dad sent me the cutest little radio. It was special because he didn't really have the money for it or for the postage..I am sure he must have borrowed the money...and it was the last gift I ever received from him..he died a few years later. So, altho it is a bittersweet memory, it WAS a special birthday for me.

Feel better soon...
xo bj

Jessamie {Bird and Branch Redesign} said...

Happy Birthday!!! That's awesome they made you such a sweet breakfast!

fran @ eleven--o-one said...

So sorry you aren't feeling well. Happy Birthday, though. Your kids are AWESOME!
I've had lots of great birthdays. I guess one of the best was when my husband took me (the kids were at the grandparents) to Epcot for the day, then over to Universal Studios for dinner at Bob Marley's then to the Blue Man Group show and then back to Epcot to watch the fireworks! It was alot to pack into one day but it was great...especially to spend it with just my hubby!

Feel better soon.

Melissa @ Vintage Afterthoughts said...

OH.... I forgot my birthday memory! One memory that makes me laugh (now, not then) is when I was 7 my parents used trick candles. When I couldn't blow them out and everyone was laughing, and I started to cry. And of course, they took a lot pictures to memorialize the occasion :)

Nate Johnson said...

Oh baby! Happy Birthday! Hope you feel better soon!

One of my most memorable birthdays was when I turned 19. That day I climbed to the top of Galdhopiggen the highest mountain in Norway (and all of Northern Europe). The called me the American Mountain Goat because I went up so quickly. I wasn't moving as fast the next day. Totally pulled a muscle in my leg! But I enjoyed the descent when we got to slide down the snow on our butts! AWESOME!

Love ya!
Gina :)

Mariaelena said...

Happy Birthday!!!...what a wonderful gift from you 6 are a lucky and blessed lady!!!...sorry your are not feeling well...hopefully soon...
I would say a favorite bday memory for me was when I turned 17 and my entire family (who had very little money at the time) bought me a used was the ugliest, biggest, oldest station wagon you have ever seen...but when I got home from my summer job, they were all waiting outside for me next to the "car" that they had all just washed and waxed and put a HUGE bow on it....I hated that LOVE the thought and the memory!!!...please enter me...thx for the chance...

Pat K said...

Hope you are feeling better!
My favorite birthday was years ago
when my husband and I were living in our very warm apartment. He had
decided to give me a surprise birthday party. I would usually come home from work and hang out in
my underwear, so he was afraid that
would happen that night (my birthday is in December) So he opened all the windows so that I would stay completely dressed, I did thank heavens.

SImple and Serene Living said...

Korrie, Some how I missed that you aren't feeling well. I hope you feel better soon. What wonderful children you have. My favorite birthday was my last one. My daughters took me out to a restaurant in Serenbe Georgia and it was amazing.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, and hoping you're feeling better soon. My favorite birthday memory is hopefully for the bday I have coming up in a couple months, the big 5-0, yikes, I want to make it a special day, just have to figure out what exactly to do!! Sue
PS, love your signs, esp the lemonade one, ha!!

Kathleen said...

Happy Birthday to you....I am sorry you are not feeling well but what wonderful children to surprise you with breakfast...that has to be the best BD favorite my husband giving me a surprise BD party...what a surprise it was...thanks for the giveaway...and I hope you are feeling better real soon...

Becky@Beyond The Picket Fence said...

Happy birthday to you--hope it was fantastic! A favorite birthday memory has to be when I was 13, had a slumber party in a tent in the backyard, toilet papered the neighborhood (shh, naughty teens!).

Aimee said...

My favorite bday memory was a year and a half ago. I was pregnant with my last baby girl. My water broke just before we were to go out for my bday dinner. So instead of a bday dinner I had bday ice chips at the hospital. When the nurse checked me in and asked what my birth date was I said. "can I say today?" She looked at me and asked if it was my birthday and I said yes. From that point on the nurses were on fire about getting me to have my baby on my birthday. My baby girl was born 1 hour and 17 minutes past my birthday. Needless to was a fun and interesting bday.
Happy birthday Korrie. And I hope you feel better soon.

Wanda said...

Happy birthday!!!Hope you feel better soon!!!
My favorite birthday memories was in 2006 when my husband took me to Paris!!! I will never forget that birthday anb it will be very hard to top that one.
best regards,

sassyshortgirl said...

I think my favorite birthday memory is from a few years ago when my hubby surprised me with a pair of diamond hoop earrings. I haven't gone a day without them on since!

Hope you are feeling better by the time you read this comment. Happy Birthday!

The Miller's @ Prezidential Life said...

Happy Birthday! My fab birthday memory is a surprise party my parents throw me for my sweet sixteen. I thought everyone forgot about my birthday. It was awesome!

Thanks for the chance!
The Miller's
Prezidential life

Melody said...

Chocolate chip birthday cake. My Mom (now deceased) made for me every year before anyone had ever heard of them. Love you Mom.

Shannon said...

Happy Birthday! My favorite birthday memory was the year my husband bought me a pound cake (it's what I asked for) and left it out on the table with some flowers he had picked for me. I came home to find the cake crumbs on the floor and the bowl with the flowers knocked over...our boxer had thoroughly enjoyed my birthday surprise! Feel better soon!!

Marsha said...

I bookmarked your blog so I could follow it every day. Your crafts and signs would look great in my home. One of my favorite birthday memories is when my granddaughter was born on my birthday 13 years ago. It is the greatest gift I've ever received. I wish I was more "blog literate", so just in case I haven't left my email, it is And I would leave it with my profile, but i don't know how :(

teachingandthrifting said...

My favorite birthday memory was this past year because I had just gotten married :) What a great marry the love of your life!

S said...

Happy Birthday! I hope it has been a blessed day and that you're on the mend. I think my favorite birthday memory is when I turned 30. I was pregnant with my youngest daughter and I felt so beautiful! My husband and older daughter cooked me a wonderful dinner and they both made me cards. It was such a simple and special day. {Family makes life so RICH, doesn't it?}

Suzanne said...

Hands down, my 21st birthday !! My first child was born,(my Mother did NOT believe me when I called her and told her I was in labor,LOL). P.S I had a girl,her name is Erin.
P.S.S. Hope you feel alot better soon.

Jacqueline said...

Happy birthday to you! My favorite memories is when my son called me from his dads to say happy birthday!!! That was today!

Thanks for entering my party!

Also I love the groceries sign.

Editor said...

Happy birthday! Hope you feel well soon but what a great group of kids you have to bring breakfast in bed! Better than any purchased gift in my book!
My favorite birthday memory would have to be my husband (boyfriend of 11 months at the time) took me back to the place where we had our very first date. We were sitting in the parking lot and he said with a sad tone to his voice, "I want my class ring back. I don't want to go steady with you any longer." I was turning 18 that day. He was 21. I was stunned and before I could even say anything he opened a ring box with an engagement ring in it! We were married 6 months later. We would have celebrated our 37th anniversary Aug. 25 but he died in April. It is still my most wonderful birthday memory even though I have had a lot of great ones since.

Elisa said...

Happy Birthday!

My favorite birthday story has to be my 20th. What was signifigant about this day was that my brother was getting married. It was his big day and I was very happy for him. I didn't expect much but I thought I would at least gets some happy birthday wishes. Well if you have seen the movie Sixteen Candles, it was just like that. It wasn't until later when I saw my soon to be sister-in-law and she wished me a happy birthday that my family remembered. Of course the day was wonderful and I was happy to give up my birthday to celebrate their day! Except I didn't get the hot guy at the end of the day, it took him a few more years to come around!
I hope you had a great day :)

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

You can't be sick on your birthday! Ok, maybe we can start a new tradition ~ you'll have an extra lucky year if you are sick on your birthday! My birthday is in December and I always wish for snow, so any birthday with snow is my favorite!

the nayz said...

Mine has to be just over two years ago when my hubby and I took our two kids to North Carolina (we live in UT) for a week. And, on the day of my birthday, we drove 3.5 hours to the coast to show our kids the ocean for the very first time.

Carol Stuck said...

Happy birthday to you!!! Please enter me in your fun giveaway.

Hmmm...special birthday memory....I have had so many wonderful birthdays that I find it hard to choose one that is my favorite. I guess it would be my last one when my son made me a choc. cake with white frosting. (my favorite.)



April @ PolkaDots n' PinkySwears said...

My favorite birthday memory is when I was a teenager and got to take my best friend to Disney World with us!

Laurie said...

When I was a little girl, I would always celebrate my birthday by going horseback riding with my best friend Debbie. My birthday was the day before (the old) George Washington's birthday -and since we always got the day off school, that's when I celebrated it. I could never remember when my birthday was (and if it was the same day as George Washington!)

Lynda said...

Happy, happy Birthday! Hope you're feeling all better very soon!

There are many, but one of my favorite birthday memories was finding out I was pregnant! Sort of made turning 30 anticlimatic! lol!! (Bear in mind that was 30 years ago!)

Casey said...

Happy Birthday! My birthday is on the 29th and my favorite memory is the yr I turned 23 and learned that I was pregnant with a GIRL!!!!

Kim @ A Brush of Whimsy said...

We are the same age now! :) On one of my bday's when I was maybe 8or so I had my party on Friday, but my actual bday was on Sunday. Friday was great, but I was so depressed on Sunday because it was just no fun at all~ I cried. ha! :)

Toqua's Crafts said...

Happy Birthday!
Get Well SOON!
Happy Birthday to you...
Get well soooooon...

My favorite birthday memory was for both my husband's birthday and my birthday. Our birthdays are a month apart. We moved 17 hours away from the kids and grandkids. They came to visit us... in between our birthdays. We had a GREAT time!

BumbleBeeLane said...

Happy Birthday! Before hubby and I were married he took me to the battefield for a romantic picnic for my birthday.Feel Better sweetie!~Amy

Sherri said...

Happy Birthday Korrie!!! Hope it is a great one!! I'm so sorry you are still feeling sick! Get better soon. I remember when my kids with the help of my husband used to make me a lovely breakfast in bed with fresh flowers from my garden-thanks for bringing back wonderful memories!!

From G2B said...

Hope you start to feel better, to enjoy at least your birthday weekend! As for a favorite birthday memory, a 30 birthday surprise trip to Las Vegas courtesy of my man.

Suzy-Q said...

Happy belated birthday Korrie! I sure hope you are feeling better soon! And I know that your next winner will be just as happy with her sign as I am! :-)

Anonymous said...

WOW what great kids! My best present was when my hubby gave me a coupon....good for a coupon... for him to clean all the windows in the house! See the bet things are free!

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to you! My fav birthday was the year my Grandson was born...two hours after midnite. Poor baby has to share his day with grandma, but I love it.

Cassie Bustamante said...

happy birthday to you! my favorite birthday was my 27th.... the day i gave birth to my first baby, sawyer. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

My favorite birthday memory was my 15th when my high school sweetheart and my family planned a big surprise party for me in the barn on his parent's property. I had no idea and all of my friends and family were there. It was such a fun night. :)

Abby and Promila said...

Happy birthday! One of my favorite birthday memories was this past June when my mom and sister drove 5 hours to Fort Benning (where we are currently posted for a school!) to surprise me! I had been terribly homesick, having my momma bake me a cake (even though I am now married and traveling the military life!) was absolutely wonderful. We are moving across the country in a month, so I treasure the birthdays when my momma made me "funfetti" cake!


Anonymous said...

I just found your blog and I am so glad I did! Happy Birthday! I would love to win one of your beautiful beadboard signs! A favorite birthday memory.. I am one of 6 kids and we each got 1 birthday party when we turned 7.. the neighbor kids came over and we had a great time.. I remember the neighbor boy Matt gave me a soccer ball.. I was surprised but I enjoyed it just the same.

lybbertgirl said...

First off I want to say Happy Birthday to YOU!!!! My favorite birthday memory is my 38th birthday! My girls gave me a "Greenbay Packers" birthday....I am a huge fan of the Packers. They had everything you can imagine even Greenbay UNO game!

Sarah said...

I pray you are feeling better today and that your birthday wasn't totally squashed because of a yucky virus!
Every year my birthday is special for me, 5 days before my 18th birthday I gave birth to my oldest son. He was a miracle and life saver to me. He is now 18 himself and still melts my heart at his quiet and compassionate spirit.
mabarker3boys at yahoo dot com

Firecracker Kid said...

Well, happy belated birthday to you:-) I hope you're feeling better. You're such a youngster:-) You'll have to celebrate when you're feeling better.

Amanda M. said...

A very Happy Birthday to you!

My fondest birthday memory is when I was pregnant with my first child and the hubby and a bunch of friends and I went to Pittsburgh to a comedy club! Pgh is only about 45 minutes from us, but we never seem to get there. It was an absolute blast!

Rachel said...

Hmmm. Favorite birthday memory... I honestly don't know! The SM always tries to make them special for me.....

Having breakfast in bed is a wonderful treat. I'm glad you were spoiled by your kids. :D

MissLeslieMarie said...

Happy birthday to you! And get well soon!!

My favorite birthday memory would have to be a Memorial Day weekend (my bday always falls on it) when a group of friends and I rented a home down in Rocky Point. The whole weekend was just relaxing, cooking and laughing with friends -- I couldn't have asked for more!

Tiffany Fairbanks said...

My best birthday memory....has to be my 25th birthday when I gave birth to my first child! What a special day for both of us. It was the best present ever. To follow up, I had my second child almost 2 years later just 2 days before our birthday. I take Labor day seriously! Our birthdays are all is coming week! (and our anniversary is the day after my birthday). Party week ahead! said...

Happy Birthday!!

My memory is from my last birthday (this month also :-) A new co-worker (aka my new best friend - LOL) guessed my age at 10 years younger than it is. Gotta love that!

Megan Gunyan said...

Ah, Happy Birthday! I'm so sorry you're sick! Definitely not a fun present. Your kids sound marvelous! I would love to enter this amazing giveaway--count me in! I hope you feel better soon!

skye said...

The most memorable birthday was my 19th, which I spent in labor with one of the deepest soul-loves of my life, my son, Bryan.
And the next morning I melted into his beautiful gray eyes.
Back to back birthdays, starting in 1977. Sweet!
My e-mail is artistinres at gmail
Thanks for the opportunity!

lilwegz said...

Feel better soon! My birthday memories are getting better and better as my daughter gets older. My birthday was yesterday and said..I'm working hard on something but I can't tell you what its a secret..well i know families are not supposed to keep secrets...ok ok we are planning your party...keep in mind the whole time i said nothing to her!

Thanks for the giveaway!

Stephanie @ The Cozy Old Farmhouse said...

Love your blog and hope you feel better soon! My favorite birthday was when I turned 25, my hubby surprised me with a weekend trip to a B&B. They are very much out of his comfort zone, so it was extra sweet for him to take me there. (Not for sure my email is attached to my profile, so just in case, kuntrybumpkin7atyahoodotcom.

Patricia @ 9th and Denver said...

How sweet of you to host a give away for your very own birthday! Charming and SELFLESS idea!

My Birthday Memory is my birthday this year. A couple of reasons. I turned 46 this year (it is a mile stone for me, My mother endured a stroke when she was 46...I don't want this to happen to me)
The other reason is my children surprised me with a birthday party and my whole entire family, including brothers, nephews, Dad and grandkids were all crowded inside my house when I came home from church. My hubby was in on it and they all parked behind the barn, I never saw it coming...I didn't even smell the smoke from the burgers that had been cooking out back. I'm clueless I tell ya.
So clueless... it took me 46 years to determine ~ I DON'T REALLY LIKE SURPRISES. LOL...
All in all it was a wonderful day...just a little creepy coming home to 40 people crammed in my little bitty living room!

Hope you get to feeling better.
Thanks for your generosity--


Jodi Guinn said...

Happy birthday to you! My favorite birthday memory would be my 16th when I was given my first car.

Sew Knotty Girl said...

This year my one year old came up to our bed (Daddy got her up) and told me "APPY IRTHDAY MOMMA!" I LOVED it!

Atta Girl Amy said...

One of my best birthdays was a couple of years ago. Some friends rented out a local spa ( housed in an old house). After our spa services, our guys joined us for takeout Chinese, cake and a game night. So fun.

Anonymous said...

My most memorable birthday was my 40th. Four months earlier our hearts were broken when in an accident our five year old son died. My wonderful husband planned a special birthday with my family and friends. Everyone wrote a special message of encouragement and love to me to be included in a scrapbook. Their love for me was a healing balm.

Angie @ Knick of Time said...

Happy Birthday and I hope you are already feeling better! What a sweet bunch of kids you have.

One birthday memory that comes to mind is actually a half-birthday memory. I was born in the winter and we lived in the country, so sometimes my birthday parties got snowed out, so one year my sister decided to throw me a half-birthday party in the summer instead. She invited all my friends and bought all the food and supplies and we had a campout in my camper. We had a great time and it was fun to pretend I had a summer birth date instead of a winter one!

Knick of Time Interiors

jerri said...

Happy Birthday! My greatest birthday memories are receiving a dozen red roses every year from my dad, who had to be at "Toy Fair" every year in New York for my birthday. Then when turned 21, he took me to NYC for my birthday. Great memories.

K said...

I think I was eleven. Going on twelve. Starting junior high a year ahead of myself. In a new town. New school. And my Dad was out of town on some trip. Wouldn't be home on my birthday. It was a pretty hard time. My mom took me to a junior high orientation meeting, and I was feeling pretty overwhelmed and disoriented. We walked into the house, dropped our stuff and started back to the kitchen. When my dad suddenly appeared in the hall way - stepped out of the kitchen into my view. It was the first time I had ever cried like that - just burst into tears. He didn't know what to make of it, but I figured I had just gotten the best birthday present ever.

Jenn said...

I hope you're feeling better! I used to be SO excited for my birthday. I would count down for months (drove everyone in my family crazy!). After having kids though, I hardly even remember my birthday, their's are so much more fun for me! So, I'm sharing one of my favorite memories of my daughter's birthday. She turned 9 in June, and we had an "outdoor movie theater" themed party in our yard. I set up a "concession stand," we had awards for each kid (they looked like mini Oscars), and we had a projector and screen for the movie. It was just so fun watching the kids pick out their snacks, snuggle into the blankets in the grass, and curl up for a good movie!

Michelle J. said...

When we were kids, my friend gave us all mix tapes with a song on them, and we all choreographed a dance to our song and had a dance competition at my birthday party. It was so fun!

Chocolate Drool and Kisses said...

So sorry you are sick! My favorite birthday memory was my 19th birthday it was 11 days after having my first baby and we had only been home a few days, it was so nice to celebrate my birthday with that little guy just cuddling in bed with him.

Unknown said...

My favorite birthday memory was my last birthday. We just ordered take out and stayed in to watch a movie, it was perfect!

Sandy said...

Happy Birthday to you, hope you are soon feeling better! My favorite birthday memory is when I turned 40... we had just moved into our first home a few days before, so I was busy unpacking and sorting. My Mom and sister took me out for a quick shopping trip to buy stuff for the house, and when we got home, there was a houseful of people and a surprise party awaiting me that my dear husband put together for me! I sure love that man!

Erin said...

Happy, happy birthday Aunt Korrie! I hope you enjoyed your german chocolate cake at least!

My favorite birthday memory would have to be when I got my puppy. Sixteen years of persistence finally paid off. I figure in another ten years or so, I'll have a pony.

Lisa said...

happy birthday!!
my best memory was when i turned 40,because my boys had me a birthday cake made (luckily they didn't make it!)and i was shocked because i had never had a cake. my daddy's birthday is the day before mine and we always had a cake for him then on my birthday we had watermelon, which i love!! but apparently the boys had been listening at some point in their lives because my daddy passed away that march and our birthdays are in may, so we still had a birthday cake, but this year it was my cake, sad but sweet. hope you have a great day!!!

SammiK said...

Ooh, poor you, being ill on your birthday! Sucky sucky =(

I've recently celebrated a birthday... Maybe not the best memory, but definitely the most vivid! We had a champagne breakfast, pressies, a lovely family meal at the local pub, stayed around drinking and having fun... Had to get home to feed our poor lil diabetic doggie, myself and my sister and our significant others got a taxi, 'cause I wasn't trusting anybody with my cake, balloons, and the beautiful Royal Doulton figure my (soon to be!) in-laws got me... Mother and Father insisted on walking. '10 minutes over the hill!'

2 hours later, they get home. Mom's story - 'Your dad fell and pulled me over!!'
Dad's story - 'Well.. Your mother was a bit drunk...'

The next day, I take her to A+E... She's broken her foot in two places!

A fortnight on, she's still in a cast and on crutches... And hating it.

Silly woman ^.^

Hope you're starting to feel better!

Sammi x

vwestermeyer said...

My 50th birthday is my favorite memory. It started with a great party, then an evening with just me and my hubby and finished with a girls weekend in Las Vegas!

Emilee said...

My favorite was my 16th birthday party. My mom surprised me with a limo of all of my friends. We drove down to Universal City Walk and ate at Micheli's. Yummy!

susan said...

My favorite was my 13th. My family went to camp and I specifically remember my Mom and Dad tucking me in. I was upset that my birthday was over (it had been a great day) and I was getting "old"!!

Mrs. Prince said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! it stinks you don't feel well but that was such a sweet birthday breakfast!

my favorite birthday memory as of now was last year! It was the first year (out of 3 years) that my husband and I were able to celebrate BOTH of our birthdays together (we are both may babies and every may he's been gone either working or for the ARMY).

debbieg said...

Well, hopefully you are feeling better by now and were able to celebrate your birthday with style!!!

My favorite birthday memory was this year when my husband surprised me and took two days off work to spend with me. The one day was just the two of us and the kids happen to have that Friday off which was my birthday. We went to Buffalo shopping and antiquing and to our favorite restaurant when we were dating. He and the kids had everything planned out and I knew nothing about it. He never surprises me!! It was the best birthday ever and the Galleria mall even has a Pottery Barn that I just could have spend the entire day in!!!!

Rose @ Confessions of a Curbshopaholic said...

Happy Belated Birthday Korrie! Hope you're feeling better now. Your children are so sweet to make you a special breakfast in bed for your birthday. Awesome!
My favorite birthday by far was my 50th a year ago. My sisters, mom, a neice, daughter and dil all got together for a pj party at a hotel. We had 2 adjoining rooms and brought lots of food to eat. Pedicures, manicures, waxing, movies, lots of laughs all night long. I'll never forget my grown up birthday pajama party!
Thanks for the chance to win one of your awesome signs!

Mel said...

My favorite birthday was driving from florida to oklahoma to see my family before we moved to Germany for 4 years.

Kelly said...

My grandparents came over, we had a party, and I got a barbie doll!!

coastal femme said...

Happiest of birthdays.Get well soon!
My favorite birthday was my tenth.I had a birthday party at the beach and got a terry cloth mermaid swimsuit cover up from one of my best friends. I loved that cover up.It was so special to me!

Brenda said...

I hope you are feeling much better. It's terrible to be sick anytime but especially on your birthday.
Favorite birthday memory....I was in the first grade and I told my teacher that it was my bday. She said she was so sorry but it was only the 19th and not the 20th as I had thought. I was so disappointed. That afternoon, my best friends mother who they lived next door met us at my house and told me that my mother was not home and I would have to come to her house. Later, my best friend and her mother walked me to my home for me to discover a surprise bday party. What a sweet memory as I will be celebrating my 46th this month.

Full Circle Creations said...

Happy belated birthday! I hope you are finally feeling better! My favorite birthday memory was my 16th. I got a car from my parents. And the only reason I got it was because when my brother was 15, my grandfather won a brand new truck in a raffle and gave it to my brother. So my parents felt they needed to do something to make it equal. So I got a Ford EXP two seater with a sunroof.


Kimberly @ said...

I hope I'm not to late to enter because your signs are AWESOME!! I LOVE the beadboard! Anyway, happy birthday to you, and so kind of you to give us presents for your birthday. :) My favorite birthday memory is when I was 7 and my sister threw a surprise birthday party. I remember pulling in the driveway (my parents had taken me to lunch at McDonalds) and one of my friends was peeking out of the curtains. I went upstairs and they all jumped out and yelled surprise, it was so fun!

tessie said...

My favorite birthday memory is the birthday I threw for my Mom when she turned 80. We had so many family and friends and my sister wrote the most beautiful tribute to her. She was the best Mom you could ever ask for. Cindy

Kristal said...

Well, gosh dang it Korrie, I missed your birthday!! So sorry. But I hope you have a fantastic day!
