Before you get too excited…the whole room is not ready. I’ve just been working on my “entrance” (or lack thereof). You never get a second chance to make a first impression, right?
I posted a teaser yesterday, and the suitcase wall definitely seemed to capture the most attention, so I’ll focus on that first!
I don’t claim credit for the idea of turning vintage suitcases into shelves. That came from this magazine…
…which my neighbor purchased, and I, shall we say--commandeered for several weeks!
Here are the things I needed for this project:
Vintage suitcases |
1x10 wood |
Painter’s tape and scrap paper (for templates) |
2 1/2” screws (big ones) |
3/4” screws (little ones) |
Level |
Jigsaw |
Table Saw |
Electric drill with a screwdriver bit |
You can call me the Suitcase Slasher.
That may be my Halloween costume.
I don’t have pictures to share of that process. It is very hard to take pictures while running a table saw!I measured approximately 6 inches from the front of each suitcase and drew a line, then I used the table saw to cut each half of the suitcase as far as it was able. THIS IS SCARY!! No joke. If you can, remove as much of the lining as possible before cutting, as when the table saw hits the fabric it will catch and make a funny sound and send your stomach leaping to your throat!
Now, my blade wasn’t high enough to get all the way through even one-half of a suitcase, so I used a jigsaw to finish the cuts (I originally tried to use the jigsaw alone, but my jigsaw couldn’t walk a straight line for a policeman). Since some of my suitcases had metal banding, I used a metal blade on my jigsaw (you DON’T want to send metal through any saw that isn’t fitted with a metal blade).
Next step: measure the opening at the back of your poor mangled suitcase, then cut a board to fit the opening (I cut my backs out of a 1 x 10 pine board).
I enlisted helpers to begin arranging the suitcases on the wall…
…and I actually used wrapping paper cut to size to get the layout right on the wall (I lived with that up for about a week).
There is more than one way to mount your suitcases to the wall. The magazine suggested cutting keyhole hangers in the backs of the boards, screwing the suitcases to the boards, and then hanging.
I didn’t do it that way.
I used a stud finder to mark out the studs in my wall, and then I screwed the boards directly to the studs. Your boards DO NOT have to be centered on the studs, they just have to cross over two of them. Start one screw (I used 2 1/2” screws), then level your board, then screw in the next one. It’s very helpful to have a teenage daughter help at this point!
Eek! A mouse! I promise, it’s just a Halloween decoration.
Once the boards are in place, I used four 3/4” screws to attach the suitcase to the board (one top, one bottom, on each side).
These things are sturdy!
I had fun “shopping” my house for accessories for my new shelves! My folding yardstick star (I tried to fold it into a pumpkin—major fail) from Suzanne at Meridian Road looks great next to my grandfather’s cloth tape measure.
A wooden spool is pressed into service as a makeshift vase.
Glittery spiders and pumpkins have taken up residence everywhere!
I haven’t decided what to do about the open space at the bottom. Either I need another suitcase (or two), or a narrow bench. What do you think?
I think it’s official…I am a despoiler of suitcases (remember this one that I painted).
But….I can’t summon up any remorse. I am in love!
This project has been featured at Las Vegas Review Journal, The Vintage Faire, Whimsically Creative, Oh My! Creative, Recyclart, Dude Craft, Flea Market Style, Pamela Joyce Designs, Funky Junk, House of Hepworths, Décor Hacks, My Repurposed Life, Eye Heart Today, Mod Vintage Life, Sisters of the Wild West, Unconsumption, Charming Zebra, Simple Home Life, I’m Topsy Turvy, 2805, Shabby Love, Stylish Once Again, The DIY Home Sweet Home Project, Hating Martha, and Renewing Your Find Cafe.


Linking up to these great parties:
In case you’re wondering…I bought three of the suitcases for $10/each, one was $18, and the other two were given to me. It was not an expensive project!
Updated to add: You can see the staircase part of the project HERE!

FABULOUS! I saw that on the magazine cover and so wanted to do it. Since I probably never will it is great to live vicariuosly through your step by step process. Love it, you did a fantastic job and it looks amazing!
Absolutely great, great, great!!!!!!!
How fun is this. The suitcases look so cute and I love the staircase. Much better. Hugs, Marty
Awesome! I have the magazine and remember thinking what cool idea that was. It is great to actually see someone do it - and do it to perfection. And the stairs look stunning!
My vote is for a bench, by the way.
This is crazy good looking! I struggle with buying magazines because they are so gosh darn expensive, but I may have to pick this one up. Looks ahmazing!
Wow, Korrie! How awesome! I Love how your suitcase wall turned out. Thanks for sharing the step by step process. I can imagine how scarey it was to cut the suitcases. My heart is always pounding anytime I use my tablesaw, Lol!
This looks so amazing! I love what you did with your stairs and the suitcase shelves are awesome!
That is so stinkin cute!!!! Love, love, love it!!!
I think I just fell in Love. Great job.
it looks utterly amazing! love it, korrie.... awesome work!
So Slasher, I mean Korrie, I just noticed at the beginning of this post that you changed the staircase, too! I don't know why I didn't notice that yesterday! I think it all looks great and I will enjoy your showing everything off. I saw a chair made out of a suitcase here:
Maybe you could do something along those lines, being as you're the resident power tool expert as far as I'm concerned! : )
My goodness, I am in love with it too! Just amazing!! I think a narrow bench would look great :D
Love your new look. Thanks for sharing the tut. The stairway looks amazing also, love the new look. Can't wait to see the new stair risers, looks gorgeous.
Hugs, Deb
Nothing there to have remorse over that's for sure - it looks tremendous! Makes me want to do the same... I shared your photo on my blog today!
Oh and since you asked about your empty space down below, I was thinking how cool the remnants of your leftover suitcases would look 2 or 3 stacked with feet attached, as a stand.
Thanks for sharing!
You did a TERRIFIC job! I love the way it turned out. Perfect for that space!
Once again, It looks fabulous. I have to ooh and ahh from afar, because I don't do power saws. 8-)
OMG!!! This is seriously one of the cutest things I've seen. I love it ~ and I'll be on the hunt for suitcases now! I'm not sure it needs anything under the suitcases ~ but a bench might look cute.
Thx for the tutorial.
Wow! I love all that you do here. I don't feel at all sorry for the suitcases - being used in such a creative way has gotta be better than hanging around in the attic, empty. Gorgeous. penny
Love it! I vote for a bench under it. Maybe put a small (not cut apart) suitcase next to it.
I vote for a bench too! You've done a marvelous job with this and I cannot even imagine using those saws. Scary to me ~
Cannot wait to see the stairs! LOVE the "blessed" that I can see.
I vote for a bench too! You've done a marvelous job with this and I cannot even imagine using those saws. Scary to me ~
Cannot wait to see the stairs! LOVE the "blessed" that I can see.
I vote bench made out of old pallettes!
I love the idea! I am having my very first Linky Party over at Dumpster Diva, I would love for you to share this! Click on over to:
I too saw this on the magazine cover. Love what you did with it. It looks amazing. Great Job!!
I saw this cover, too. You did an awesome job. Yep, I think a nice, long bench would ground the area and look awesome...:)
Absolutely incredible. Your space really makes a statement.
Wow...that came out so cool!!! And your new banister looks great too. What a unique and stylish entry!
FAN-FREAKEN-TASTIC! Yours looks sooo much better than the magazine cover! I vote for a bench under. Maybe something with a lower shelf that would hold a couple small vintage hat box style suitcases that could hold hats and mittens etc?
Oh, and I'm following! : D
Korrie, I have wanted to do that ever since I saw the magazine! Yours turned out amazing! Love everything about them!
OHMYGOSH!!! this wall is fabulous, it doesn't even look like the same room. It's wonderful! and those suitcases...shut my mouth!! LOVE it! thanks for sharing the inspiration. xoxo
Wow!!! This is amazing. Great job!
That is such a cool idea, and I love how your wall turned out. You are a brave soul sawing that luggage :)
Brilliant! What a great copy cat of Flea Market Style! You are so smart!
I appreciate your participation in Potpourri Friday. Many thanks!
This is such a great interpretation of the magazine! It must make a fun way to enter your home...and some great conversations!
Oh wow, girl, that is incredible...I probably would have been crying as I was cutting...I get emotional about the stupidest things....Aren't old suitcases so interesting....I always wonder what story they tell! High 5, great project!
I am also in love and may have to defile some cases of my own. Wonderful job.
This is great! I also love how you changed your staircase & added the dark wood. I also stained mine a darker color & love how it turned out. I'm your newest follower. I'd love you to stop by my new blog & follow along too.
Oooohhh Korrie...SPECTACULAR!!
I think the suitcase shelves is very clever. Would a old trunk fit in your entry way? Loosethreads
All that innocent luggage made out pretty darned well, I'd say!!
Amazing! And the color palette, fabulous! I think an old steamer trunk would be perfect for that 'space' below ;)
That looks amazing! Think I need to start loking for old suitcases :)
Wish you a good weekend!
I think it's obvious, you need a little "suitcase chair".
Open a suitcase, pad and upholster some wood or mdf and place in the seat and back then add legs. Voila!
This look is A.MA.ZING!! I have that mag and I am wanting to do the same treatment somewheres in my house. I think that a old distressed bench would be the perfect addition.
I really do like your entrance accented with suitcases. What a novel idea!! I think a bench would look really good under the suitcases. A place for someone to sit to take off shoes and put them under the bench.
You ROCK girlfriend. I think that is a bigger project than I would ever take on but you certainly did a beautiful job! Wow!
F A B U L O U S ! ! ! I loved it on the magazine & Really Love it on your wall.... Thanks for the tip too about removing the lining, any strange noise on a Power tool can scare the dickens out of ya!
I really hate to see wonderful old suitcases being cut up. I'm hoping this trend doesn't catch on.
fantastic job.
I have this magazine, too.
love it.
thanks for sharing have officially been pinned! and the hunt is on for old suitcases...thanks. Would love it if you would link this up to our Rockin' link party going on now at RoCa and Company. Here is the link: Come and show off what you got. Hope to see you there...
Remember...YOU ROCK!!
Carmen @ RoCa and Company
Korrie, your wall is just the coolest! You couldn't ask for a better assortment of colors - LOVE!!! I'd add a bench;)
I loved it when I saw the teaser, and I love it even more now!!!
You are truly brave and it was so worth all the effort. I wish you had gigantic photos so I could have a close up drool encounter with your project. :) I am thinking bench for sure. Maybe some suitcases or baskets under the bench for storage.
I think my jaw actually dropped. WOW! And my dear, your colors look even better than that magazine cover. Well done!!
I cannot believe how fantastic that looks!! Awesome job :)
What a fabulous idea !!
I had to come back to add: How perfect is your "Home" saying next to suitcases??? Very perfect! :)
Oh, Korrie! That is SO AWESOME!! I really love your suitcase wall~really, really love it! I'm so impressed that you took the plunge and CUT THEM IN HALF!!! It's just the coolest thing.
I think a bench under your suitcase wall would look good. Especially with a vintage suitcase or two under it. :)
wow, amazing i love it. also i wish we had mags like that in england xxx
so cool...i love it! ~deb~
AWESOME -- I can see I need more vintage suitcases ;)
I ADORE this - fabulous project and it looks so professional! Def pinning this!
WOW! It was stunning in the magazine and even more amazing our your wall. I am so impressed and love how it looks! Fabulous job!
That is simply amazing! I love the look and really spotted out that cover when I saw it, cool idea. Thanks so much for joining in on the fun. Can you please add the verbage you are joining in on my Magazine copy cat challenge. I would love to get word out for next month's challenge. Thank you.
This is still one of my favorites cool! Stopping by from Debbiedoos party!
So functional and decorative! I admire that you were able to cut them in half. I would chicken out for sure. Mom would make me feel guilty or something. andrea@townandprairie
Korrie, this is a great dupe!! You did a fantastic job!!! You should be proud!
OOOOO I LOVE THIS! I cant tell you how fabulous this looks. You did a fantastic job.
Beautiful and Unique~! love what you've done and great Copy Cat~!
Oh What a Fabulous wall...You did a Great Job..That's for sure.... Stopping in from Debbidoos Blogging and Blabbing...
Darn, I thought I had a left a comment about 40 comments ago...Korrie, this wall is pretty darn amazing! I love it and your creativity knows no bounds!
What a fabulous look, I love it!!!
I love your entry and the shelves! You did a great job. Thanks for the tutorial. I may have to do this in my guest room.
Unbelievable job! How about a small trunk under the suitcases.
Cathy's Cupboard Calamity
Oh how i LOVE this!!! I eyed up those on the mag too and here you go and DO it! Gorgeous!
I say a narrow bench as wide as your suitcase display would anchor the works wonderfully.
I'm speechless!! This is totally amazing!! And I love your wall words perfect!
I'm your newest follower--you are inspired!
What an amazing use of suitcases which might otherwise have been just thrown away. I vote for a bench on the floor!
I came here from the "Funky Junky Interiors" site because this is such a great idea for our Linky Party too this week. The theme is 'Creative Final Resting Place Ideas' this time.
Would you like to add your post to our site? We're somewhat new yet getting good traffic already and ranking very well for the search engines.
We'd love to host your 'link' there this week!
Pam Hoffman
All I can say is PERFECT ! absorbingly wonderful ! I love the star a lot ! and all your decor on the suitcase wall is genius
love your blog! I'm following you!
Awesome job, Korrie!
Ummm wow!! I have old suitcases and doing something like this would have never entered my skull. I'd LOVE for you to share this over at Trash 2 Treasure Tuesdays on the Korner!
This is amazing! I saw the cover and fell in love, but I think yours may be even better. I would love for you to share this at my Restyled Sundays party going on now!
Totally amazing, Korrie. It would have been quite freaky to cut into a suitcase, but well worth the unique look. I vote for a narrow bench underneath.
Korrie, your project turned out awesome! So unique!
I really love it on your wall.
I also love the remodel of your stairwell.
Thanks for sharing and for coming by my blog today. I am a new follower.
That is AWESOME!! I saw that cover and thought to myself "That's cool, but who would actually do it?" And HA! here you are!! You're a very brave gal to do it.
I think a bench would totally complete the look.
Great job! :)
Wow, what a fabulous project! You are very brave! I think you need an old steamer trunk under the suitcases.
You always have the most amazing projects! This is fantastic! I love the vintage suitcase shelves!
Well, "Suitcase Slasher" you did a fabulous job! I LOVE it ... so creative and different! It will be the talk of your guests. Thanks for sharing the great tutorial, too!
Wonderful, I love the whole entryway! How about a trunk for under the suitcases?
Just letting you know that I am featuring your great project in tomorrow's post over at Hating Martha! Love it!
You are so cleaver!!!!
I love suitcases and love your wall! wow! Audrey
That is so awesome that you even attempted to try this! I see stuff like that and say "that's cool", but I couldn't do it, but you've given me the inspiration!
If the space will allow, I love the idea about putting a trunk underneath, suggested by Eileen. If not, why not simply put a suitcase against the wall? Another idea your wall brought to mind was a travel theme with a small vintage hotel "key holder" (hung above the light switch or above the spool) or a framed map of a special vacation your family took.
Good job! Love your blog!
diy key holder
Map idea #1
Map idea #2
Oh boy! I saw that magazine too and while I liked the idea, it wasn't really something I thought I'd want to try. Yours is so beautiful tho... don't know if it's the suitcases you chose or what?! But I love it! And you are so brave with the saw... I'm too chicken to use one of those... Daaadddd!!! LOL!
Oh my gosh, that is amazing!! And you've decorated them so cute, too. I LOVE the yatdstick star, I've got to find me one of those!
Wow that looks great! Such a great idea.
Korrie, this is FAN-FLIPPIN-TASTIC! Love, love, love!
Oh, my goodness! A very original concept :) Love it.
Hi Korrie,
I just saw your suitcases over at Honey's party...If you get a chance, go see what I wrote as a comment...I think you'll be giggling! I think these gorgeous suitcases have made you FAMOUS! They're amazing!
I'm so glad Gail featured this today because I MISSED this when you posted it! OMG, it's amazing. I had that project on my Must try list ever since seeing the cover of the magazine but I wasn't sure how to go about it since I only saw the cover. Thanks for sharing how you did it, it makes a lot of sense. So, Slasher, what are you going to do with the rear ends of the suitcases that are left over? hmmmm? ;)
I featured you today! Come by and grab your button!
Amazing! Who cares that you didn't come up with the idea? You actually did it and it looks fantastic! I'm pinning this because it is just so cool :)
Thank you for participating in our link party at
About the space toward the bottom, If the heights of the bottom suitcases were swapped, I'd put a small desk in th4e space. As it is, I don't know if you can put anything there without interfering with traffic flow.
I know that I would be constantly bumping into something that close to a corner.
Very impressive. I just love it. No space here... but if I could I would! :)
Assuming you can't actually create this with usable storage space inside?! But that would be so amazing and helpful, right?!
Meredith From A Mother Seeking Come find me on my blog, A Mother Seeking...
I can see this is a popular post!
These shelves would look great with old teddies or books, dolls.... just about anything on there. Fantastic and I like how you layed them out.
Lorraine :-}
Ahh-ma-ZING! Absolutely love how they look as shelves! I'd think it would be a little scary cutting them like you said too. But boy was it worth it, great job!!!
Thanks for sharing!
AWESOME! I pinned these! Love it!
awesome entryway!!! Great job of actually putting a magazine idea into "real" life action. Thanks for linking up. We featured you again today!!
Nice job Suitcase Slayer! This may not have been your idea but you sure took it and made it fabulous! Thanks for sharing!
Oh, WOW! Coolness! I'm thinking of a wall....
Fondly, Tami
Me encanta la idea, original y preciosa, gracias por compartirla. Besos
I featured your very cute suitcase shelves today at Mod Mix Monday!
LOOOOOOVE it! I'm totally featuring this wall of suitcase shelves on Topsy Turvy Tuesday! AND because I couldn't help it, I'm also featuring your adorable hungry caterpillar pillow! Thanks for linking up~
I just saw you on House of Hepworths and OH.MY.GOSH that is fabulous! So awesome!
I love your style soooo much. I wish you could come to my house and give me some pointers to turn it from blah to wow.
Wow, those are amazing! They look good even without any accessories. What a great idea. I might have to go buy that magazine, it looks like a fun inspiring magazine.
LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE this. Great tutorial.
These shelves are amazing. I just aquired 2 vintage suitcases that i was going to make into a chair and an ottoman , but I may have to change the plan now that ive seen these. Great job. I am now a follower, can't wait to see more
How about some suitcases and make a table for that empty spot.... or a table decoupaged with road maps? an old trunk?
Wow, this is very popular with the amount of comments you've gotten! Well, here's another one and I've got this linked to my suitcases post too today, nice job!
OMG! That is amazing!! If I ever get enough vintage suitcases, I am definitely going to have to do that! Love it! Your newest follower!
ok ok now I know youve heard everything by now so all the awesome comments have been used,and I dont want to sound repetative,but this is so cool!I cant stop looking at this wall of coolness:))WOW you hit this one WAYYYYYYYYYY outta the ball park! Great job,Deidre~ stop over sometime and chat wont you.
Great job! I love this magazine and remember this article well. You really made this your own.
Since I'm new around the neighborhood I wasn't here last year when you did your suitcase wall. It's fabulous, a great first impression. I'm in Minnesota, and an Junkmarket follower of Ki & Sue back when they opened their shop in Long Lake. This year I was able to attend Junk Bonanza last fall and suitcases were everywhere! Now, can't find a vintage one in the whole state. You helped start the trend.
Wow I love this! I linked to it on my blog:) Thank you
I´ve got an old oversea chest. It looks a lot like the brown suitcase. Got it from my mother. I need to ask her, where she got it from. It would look fantastic with your vintage suitcase shelves. I could bite myself for leaving those old vintage suitcases of my grandfather at his place. I guess my uncle throw them to the trash. Maybe you can find such a chest at ebay or an a flea market. My chest looks a lot like this one:
You can sit on it, if you are skinny . We used it a lot as bench, my brother and I, when we were kids.
That IS cool. And it wouldn't be impossible to turn the suitcases into storage by hinging the tops. Although in that case one would want to delicately roll back the lining instead of tearing it all out, or re-line the whole thing.
I am featuring your suitcase project on the 19th at
We would love to have you submit other items.
I have lots of suitcases and no saw or courage to cut them up. If anyone wants vintage suitcases come visit my shop on Etsy for some gems! Found your blog via Pinterest tonight--how fun! Thanks for the inspiration.
So cool! I never could figure how to attach them to the wall and now I know. I have a narrow wall that I need something on and now I'm going on a suitecase hunt! Great idea!
Great job in making your lovely entrance of your home. Very creative you are in here. Wish my home has a nice entrance like that too. :)
new houses for sale philippines
I love the idea and you did it beautifully. I have collected suitcases for years. I noticed that you used 3 Samsonite suitcases. How did you make the "shelf" level since they slant? Thanks.
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