
Friday, August 12, 2011


Do you have a little sister? I do. I didn’t get her until I was 10 years old. I thought she was a live baby doll for the longest time…I could rock her, dress her up, take her for walks, have tea parties with her…so many fun things. Now as adults we are discovering a common love of all things old, vintage, and a little bit shabby. It’s great fun!

We also share a love of books…so when she asked me if I could make a canvas for her with a Virginia Woolf quote on it, I couldn’t resist!

virginia woolf bookworm

I kind of misread her instructions…it was supposed to be OFF-WHITE with BLACK lettering, and she got the reverse…whoops! Good thing she’s pretty easy-going Winking smile

You might think someone who loves reading might have read the instructions a little more carefully…

bookworm quote

The pictures above were taken before I “shabbied” up the canvas a bit. I really love the high contrast….

Virginia Woolf quote

…but I also love the look (above) which is a little bit faded, and dirtied up a little with some brown glaze.


Which one would you choose?


Linking up to these great parties here.


  1. Very cool! Your sister will be thrilled! In the photos, I think I like the before too. I agree about the high contrast. But either way, it looks great! I love to read too, but painting and blogging have taken over more and more of my time so I'm not reading quite as much as I'd like at the moment!

  2. She is! Your sister is very thrilled! :)

  3. You MADE that! You are amazing! Don't tell my sisters haow wonderful yopu are or they might leave me for you :) Seriously. :)

  4. I love this! My daughter's are 7 and a half years apart and are so close. It is so nice to hear as adults that you and your sis are close still. :)

  5. Love it! What a nice sister you are.


  6. Love it!! The first one is my favorite. You continue to amaze me with your talent.


  7. I like the second one, but then again I am not too much into the shiny spiffy stuff. 8-)

  8. Either! Lovely quote and a lovely piece.

  9. awww, this is so adorable. I love it. Either way, sharp or shabby.

    I got a little baby brother when I was 10 yrs. old and, like, you, I just claimed his as MY baby. I had so much fun with him.
    We weren't so close during my growing up time as I was 20 and married by the time he was 10 ...but, in our adult years,we became very close.

  10. Oh, love Virginia Wolfe. What a doll your sister was... lol.
    Well, I like both sharp and faded, and I'd better get to reading more.

  11. I love both versions and think it looks better the "wrong" way than if you had done it the opposite way. It's just so much more noticeable with the white on black.

  12. Oh I LOVE this phrase! My daughter and grandmothers are the best readers EVER and they would adore this.. Thanks so much for sharing.. I hope you will share with my Pink Hippo Party @

  13. You are am awesome sister! I love to read also and find so many inspiring quotes. I really love what you did here with the canvas. Looks great!!


  14. For this project, personally I say go with the first one without the glaze. But really, they are both nice. Great quote!!

  15. No younger sisters...I'm the baby and have three older sisters. She will love it!!


  16. You are such a sweet big sister! My husband and I are both huge readers and so are our two little daughters, so this canvas is very appealing :) I'm your newest follower, too.
    Cas x

  17. I love coming to visit here, this is such a wonderful gift. I too am a bookworm, but I was unfamiliar with this quote. I must write this down.

    Your sister is lucky to have you!

  18. I adore thiss aying and you did it such justice with your beautiful work! Thanks for sharing!

  19. I love the quote and I think your project turned out great! I like the shabby worn look. I wish I had a sister!


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