Saturday, August 6, 2011

Babies Don’t Keep!

We welcomed a new addition our family on July 25. My nephew and his beautiful wife had a beautiful baby boy!


I was 14 years old when his father was born, and he looks SO much like his dad did that it tugs at my heartstrings!

I sent this canvas as a baby gift:

baby 003

It’s my favorite reminder that babyhood—and childhood—should be enjoyed, because they are over too quickly.

Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow

For babies grow up, we’ve learned to our sorrow.

So quiet down, cobwebs; dust, go to sleep,

I’m rocking my baby, and babies don’t keep!

baby 002

So hug those babies today…no matter how old they are!!


This project has been featured at Day & Age Design.


Linking up here.


Anonymous said...

How precious!! Love that little saying, so true!

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

What a beautiful baby and a sweet gift!

Sandi @ The Primitive Skate said...

I Love That saying.....What an adorable baby!

Kari said...

My grandma stitched this exact saying for my brother's nursery when he was a baby...he is now 38 years old. Love this....:)

fran said...

That is adorable! (And your sign is really nice, too!:) Congratulations on the new addition. Congrats also for being featured on POP. You go girl!

Firecracker Kid said...

Oh so true is this. Congratulations! Adorable... baby and canvas;-)

Anonymous said...

That is one handsome little man. Everyone must be so proud of him. I love the poem, it is so true!

Kathy @ Creative Home Expressions said...

What a beautiful verse, Korrie! I'm sure they just love it! Now that I'm a grandmother {for the first time}, I follow that advice to a "T". Everything else gets pushed away once the granddaughter is around!

Ali Richardson said...

I love that saying and it is SO true!!! Hugs today, vacuum tomorrow (or the next day, ha ha).

Gypsy Heart said...

So, so true!! I know they're going to love this gift. He is totally adorable...such a precious gift.


ℳartina @ Northern Nesting said...

A beautiful gift for a beautiful baby boy!! Congrats, Martina

Elizabeth@ Pine Cones and Acorns said...

Beautiful baby! I love the gift you made for him.

Love the clock table from a post ago?..looks great.

Lisa said...

I think you can make anything beautiful! I love the saying and your work. Congratulations to all!

Deborah March said...

Isn't it the TRUTH Korrie!? Congrats to your family!

Mariah said...

I love this! My mom had a hand stitched version of this saying that I remember fondly. When I had my own kids I wanted to hang it in my house but the 70s avocado green and orange didn't quite go! :)

Jenny said...

This is one of my favorite poems!! It's so special and so true!

oops! said...

So stinkin cute - The baby and the sign! Babies are the BEST!

Unknown said...

I love this too. I have been trying to figure out the placement to paint it on a rocking chair. My mom had this on my nursery wall growing up. :)

SImple and Serene Living said...

Congratulations. He is absolutely beautiful.

Beth said...

Just beautiful....the baby & the canvas!! My oldest just graduated high school, so I'm feeling a little emotional over the whole babies growing up thing.

Gayle said...

what a sweetie! I'm sure the new parents love your special gift!

Eleonora Boiserie & C. said...

Wonderful event!
Congratulations. He is absolutely delicious!

Rachel (Lines across my face) said...

Congratulations! What a sweet and beautiful painting (all too true).

Jessica Lauren said...

What a cute canvas, and I love the quote! So sweet and true!
~*Jessica Lauren @ Copy-Cat-Crafter

Crazy Wonderful said...

Oh I love this! I was just over at my best friend's house visiting her brand new baby. I wanted to tell her to hold on to her tight and enjoy every bit. Because, before you know it she'll be 2,running around naked in the house and peeing on your just shampooed carpet :D I'm trying to enjoy these moments too... as difficult as they are ;)


Jessica Monte said...

Adorable! I wish I could keep this philosophy in mind as I stay busy with house, kids, and keeping it all running smoothly. This is a good reminder sign that it's okay to just let go and enjoy the people in our lives.

Candace @ Candace Creations said...

Beautiful! I love that quote and what a great gift!

Refresh restyle said...

Sweet baby and sweet quote!

Kimberly Moore said...

This is darling!!! Thanks for sharing. :)

Lifewith50toes said...

This is wonderful, I'd love to know how you did it ? ;)

bec said...

love it! that's a great idea

Confessions of a Stay at Home Mommy said...

How precious! I would love it if you linked this up to my Tuesday Confessional link party going on now:
See you soon!

Jamie said...

How sweet! I love it!

Thank you for linking up!


Grammy Goodwill said...

I cross-stitched that same saying when my now 30 and 33 year old children were babies. It's a great reminder to all new parents.

Katie Olthoff said...

I LOVE this saying!!! I should make one for my mom for above her rocking chair. She loves rocking my babies (her grandbabies.)

Megan Gunyan said...

Congrats on the new addition! I am falling in love with that saying...I've never heard of it before...thanks for sharing it!

Debilou ~ Mississippi Mama said...

I've heard this before and I love it,,, its so true. My "baby" is expecting a baby in about 5 weeks, they grow up in the blink of an eye thats for sure. Congrats to your nephew and your family. He is precious.

Full Circle Creations said...

How precious! Great job on the canvas.


Delaney said...

How fab!

Jamie said...

I featured this at my link party! I hope you will stop by to check it out!


Sherry @ No Minimalist Here said...

He is beautiful and what a perfect gift! Thank you for joining the Open house party and congrats to the new parents.