
Friday, December 3, 2010

...And the winner is...

who said "I am your follower as bridgestranslation."

I will be e-mailing you with your $35 CSN Stores gift code!

(And no, I can't figure out how people put a snapshot of the random number generator in their blog posts! If anyone has any helpful suggestions, please let me know!)

It was GREAT to read everyone's comments about what they wanted to GIVE for Christmas this year! What a wonderful, thoughtful, unselfish group of women. Thank you for following along with me, and sharing a little piece of your heart this Christmas time!

Merry Christmas to all!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations TZel!!!

    Have a very Merry Christmas yourself Korrie. It has been fun seeing Christmas at your Mom's. That was so sweet of you to help her decorate. I wish her health were better... I'm so sorry. Here's a great big huge hug from me to you! (( )) :D


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