
Wednesday, August 22, 2018


 Image result for tap tap tap is this thing on gif

It's been SUCH a long time since I've posted in, over 3 1/2 years.  I had managed to burn myself out on furniture projects and vintage markets, and then while I was on my break, I took on a three-year stint of some new responsibilities that took a lot of my spare time.

But that has ended for now!  I am looking forward to getting back to some projects, both for myself and for others!  My sister has graciously volunteered to be first up to have a table refinished.

Isn't she a doll though??

I'm also excited to announce that my love of home furnishings, home decorating, and home remodeling now encompasses just all things HOME in general!  That's right...I'm selling real estate now! 

So this blog will also include some of my adventures in that arena as well!  I am a licensed broker in Washington state, but if you have real estate needs elsewhere, I'm happy to give a referral in your area.
Anybody still out there??
Drop me a note or leave a comment if you are!